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[–]vitunrotta 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I certainly don't want to make anyone feel like feminism isn't for them because of their skin colour. My apologies, my wording was clumsy. Feminism has been very white for a long time and I personally am very glad to see it's slowly spreading to be more inclusive. I've read a lot from e.g. the old Reddit GC and honestly noted zero racism. This obviously does NOT mean it doesn't exist, I might just be super blind to it.

(Or, radical feminism really is NOT racist, and some people want to discredit the movement by claiming it's an inherent part of it. Racist radical feminist individuals most certainly exist but that shouldn't mean that all radfems are racists.)

Sidenote: my lingo around this is awkward as libfems pretty much taught me to STFU and stop asking questions from WOC regarding their specific experiences. So I stopped asking and never learned anything. I find this kind of culture a bit backwards, because I would really like to be a better ally, but then I'm not taught how to do it. It's a bit of a paradox - I should not ask but I should be an ally, but without really understanding what is happening to WOC, I am merely guessing what to do to and might end up not helping at all. Hope this made sense. I would personally e.g. welcome an open discussion with WOC in order to educate myself and be a better supporter.

Hopefully this does not make me sound like I'm INSISTING upon it and thus being aggressive towards WOC... Just saying I would be interested in said discussion.