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[–]MezozoicGay 32 insightful - 4 fun32 insightful - 3 fun33 insightful - 4 fun -  (10 children)

This mega-wokeness is so destructive. Did they created anything on their own? Did they created spaces for their problems?

No, they are only going to other people (mostly women) places and destroying them, leaving so many people without help or advices. And worst part when it happens in real life and not internet, like it happened with VRR, when instead of funding their own center or at least trying to cooperate - they tried to destroy it instead.

Recently I've read (in printed press) an article that many pills nowadays are tested only on men, and even when tested on women - it is done not enough. And because of that many "general" pills are more often harmful to women (and women reproductive system is not counted at all in many cases in testing). And specifically were called "Contergan" painkillers as most destructive case of this.

And with this wokeness, what will be? Will they start testing women-specific pills on transwomen? It is all so surreal. Society lost last glimpses of logic.

[–][deleted]  (9 children)


    [–]MezozoicGay 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

    My friend** have congenital heart defect, and she has heart attacks almost yearly. She is going to different doctors to treat this, and most doctors are saying that Heart and blood systems is slightly different in male and female bodies, however, most studies are made only on males, so sometimes not every doctors can even handle woman heart attack. Women heart diseases are very understudied. And it is something so crucial as hearth that both males and females have - I can imagine how understudied everything that is female-exclusive. And if "transwomen are women" will become norm, then women health will be tested on transwomen too, while their male body is completely different to female body?

    I don't remember when exactly, but on our history lessons we were studying history of biology and medicine as well, and there was one part I remembered (i think it was either in 1700th or 1800th) - hygiene, general medicine and pills just appeared in the western society, however, women were still dying from diseases even when were taking pills that were helping men, and even when following hygiene rulls women were still more often getting sick or die. And it was only because it was all tested and developed only on male bodies, and then assumed that women are just "smaller males" so they need same treatment, just in smaller dosages. I was really surprised how illogical people were then (but seems nothing is changing and history doing circles).

    I was reminded about this in same article, as it was written by old cardiologist.

    ** English is so weird language. My language is gendered and all words there based on sex of a person (plus sex-neutral or generalizing words), and there is no word for "gender" in it as well, only words for biological sex (I wonder if international language was not English, this gender discussions would appear at all or not?). So I am all time trying to write "girlfriend" in meaning of "women friend", however, in English "girlfriend" means mainly "girl I am in relations with" while friend means just a friend, mainly male one. Gladly there is boyfriend word too, but it is rare in english, in most cases there is "man"-word which means both males and "all humans", and then something is added to "man" part of word to become woman specified. So man is default and measure to everything in English. In my language gendered words either very different or even when they are the same, only difference is that they ending with different letter. This means most words for woman are not including "man" in it. So English for me feels so weird and so inherently sexist.

    Sorry for random thoughts.

    [–]Elysian 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (7 children)

    No, it's even stranger than that. Women can have girlfriends that they are not in relations with. I have lots of girlfriends. I can only have one boyfriend however. Men can have one girlfriend and no boyfriends at all unless they are gay. The logic is hard to follow and honestly it doesn't make much sense.

    I'm brushing up on my French at the moment and I'm having difficulty with all the gendered nouns because they feel inherently sexist to me. Why is a table feminine, who made this decision? Is there something inherently womanly about tables? Why is milk masculine, doesn't make sense.

    [–]MezozoicGay 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

    Gendered non-living objects are not really gendered, they are semi-gendered only to follow rules of the language. Table is gendered feminine not because table is feminine, but because it sounds like feminine gendered word, and that is it. And for living objects there often different words for different genders (in old meaning of word) - for example here is word "Dog" which means "any dog", word "male dog" and word 'female dog" - and all those words are absolutely different sounding, and such is for most animals. Plus unlike English, most languages are languages of rules - if you know few rules, you can freely speek the language and you will not make mistakes - everything works the same, always and in every case. While English is language of exceptions of the rules, there some general rules, but half of all words and phrases are exceptions to the rules, so you need to memorize them all. I would say that most languages are like Math or Physics, it works the same way for different numbers.

    By "sexist" I meant that many words in English have default "man" variant of the word, and "woman" variant of the word is always "man" variant + something else. Hey, even words man and woman are like that, or male and female. Ah ye, and "I" in most languages "I" is written with small letter "i", while in English it is for some reason is big letter, like name.

    However, some gendered words in gendered languages are sexist, that is true. But it is mostly only counts to professions, which names are came from other languages. For example in our language word "Actor" means similar to English, both male and female and "any actor", but still mainly male, and there special word for "Actress", that means specifically women actor. Or Doctor, which is gendered masculine, but it means mainly women doctor or doctor in general, there is no special male doctor word, tho, you need to specify "male doctor". With doctors it is interesting situation, by the way, 100 years ago no one would even go to woman doctor, as it was thought they can't be doctors, and nowadays most good doctors here are actually women (our country is still very sexist and homophobic tho, as it was previously part of very sexist USSR).

    [–]Elysian 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    It's funny you should bring up the word "doctor" because "doctor" in French is always un médecin, masculine, whether it's a woman or a man. So are babies, they're always masculine.

    Languages are fascinating. As you point out, female/woman includes male/man, but for other things we do have gendered terms. Cow/bull, dog/bitch, hen/cockerel - although bulls are also cows and bitches are also dogs and no matter the gendered word for chicken, they're all chickens. I take your point on English being confusing.

    It is still really strange for me to gender nouns, because what makes a noun sound feminine? In French if a noun ends in "ie" or "ee" it's more likely to be feminine, but why? Why does it have to have a sex, why can't it just be a word? And how did that word form in such a way that made it sound feminine?

    English used to capitalise nouns like somewhat like German still does, I think "I" being capitalised is an artefact.

    [–]MezozoicGay 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

    I imagine it can be confusing, because linguists of the past chose to use "sex" categories for words, while those categories could be anything else, without changing the rules of how words sound and rules of creating sentences. Maybe one day it will be reviewed to use different categories, as it is plain simple change and will not affect at all. However, in our country we have different problems to fight first. For example, here part of name is fathers names, so it is always "Lily of Victor Surnamish", even if father quit, even if it is child born from rape, even if mother divorced and living with another man since forever. It is possible through court or in some situations (if father is unknown) - to use mothers name instead, but it is very hard to do. And it should be done on legislative level, so children can chose (lets say at age of 16 when they are getting passport) to be "Lily of Victor" or "Lily of Hannah", or maybe even "Lily of Jack", if Victor run from family and mom is living with Jack. Same problem with lesbian pairs (which are outlawed, thought), as their children still need to get a male name to be "of". And this part of name is always follows you in your whole life.

    [–]Elysian 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    That does sound pretty terrible. I wouldn't want to be named after my father's first name, at least our last names are pretty neutral because our aunts and sisters and grandmother on our dad's side share the same name, until they get married of course. I was able to keep my dad's last name when I got married, and I know of families that are sharing the mother's last name, which I think is nice. It is nice to be able to choose. It makes you feel like you have some autonomy.

    [–]Apricot_Ibex 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    I guess it’s because men in Anglophone countries are so terrified of looking gay with their bros that they have to continuously shout NO HOMO, so straight men can’t say “my boyfriend” about their male friends, or wear pink shirts in their presence, lol.

    [–]Elysian 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    I know right? Pink shirts, of all things. Lots of cultures are worse though, and I think it is getting better over time.

    [–]SameOldBS 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    In the UK, we don't really use girlfriend for female friends. It has the same connotation of a sexual relationship as boyfriend.