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[–]angrygreycloud 28 insightful - 2 fun28 insightful - 1 fun29 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

It all started in r/actuallesbians. I'd lurked for a while and was increasingly fed up and confused by the 'trans/girl dick' content. I visited less and less and didn't really think too much about it, downvoted and moved on. Out of the blue the sub went private. Siting the brigading by 'TERFs'. So down the rabbit hole I went to learn about these 'TERFs'. I agreed with everything. All the things that upset me and I hated and downvoted were things that 'TERF's disagreed with, it was like finally sesing the light. I don't think that the sub never got brigaded, the silent majority just got fed up. In the end it led me to r/truelesbians and r/gendercritical and all the thoughts I had were there in much more articulate words than ever washed around in my head. I finally felt at home. Though I learned the uncomfortable true about the things going on in my country (the UK) I think my eyes were finally opened and for that I am grateful.

[–]thatradicallesbian 25 insightful - 1 fun25 insightful - 0 fun26 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't think that the sub never got brigaded, the silent majority just got fed up.

As a lesbian who used to love the r/actuallesbians sub until about 3-4 years ago for the reasons you described, YUP. I think it's equal parts ridiculous and hilarious that the [mostly MtF] moderators on that sub genuinely seem to believe that all the "TERF" things they're seeing on their sub are some sort of "brigade"–– as if it isn't perfectly natural for LESBIANS to be categorically uninterested in males & not want them in our lesbian spaces, regardless of whether they identify as men or women or anything else. They're still males, and that means lesbians are never gonna be interested in them sexually/romantically, and most of us aren't ever gonna wanna see them in lesbian spaces–– not "because they are trans", but because they are MALE, regardless of trans status.

They are so delusional on the topic of lesbians, it's absurd

[–]i_serenade_cows 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i think it's straight up homophobia and rape to demand lesbians to cater to male sexual needs, by forcing lesbians to be sexually attracted to penises. regardless of whomever is doing it. this has been happening for decades, men trying to erase our sexuality by claiming 'you're not really a lesbian, you just never tried [good] dick before', and in today's day and age it just happens that these TiMs are the ones doing the demanding, so any resistance to their demands can be shut down by being conveniently packaged as transphobia.