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[–]mrh2 34 insightful - 1 fun34 insightful - 0 fun35 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Not really a peak trans moment, but I just wanted to post what I sent to the Reddit administrators:

I am profoundly disappointed in how this - the mass banning of subs - was handled. Reddit leadership displayed stunning levels of cowardice and cravenness. I'm thinking in particular of how /r/gendercritical was banned suddenly with no warning, when the moderators were bending over backwards to resolve any complaint from Reddit about their sub. Yes, in the past 6 months the subreddit was swinging towards being more anti-trans and less about feminism, but there were 6 years of feminist posts and articles before that. It was a 60,000 strong community of women who needed a place to talk openly and feel safe - and you destroyed it completely without a warning. It's not just that the subreddit disappeared, all of the articles that were bookmarked from the past 6 years were gone too - no warning. It is a naked act of violence against women that was perpetrated here, akin to an attempted mind-wipe. A reasonable action would have been to give a weeks warning and lock the subreddit, so people could save the many resources and valuable discussions on feminist issues. What you did is beyond description. It's disgusting.

Some people here have pointed out the problems in your hate-based policy rule, in that it is vague enough and flexible that it can be used against whatever the popular scapegoat is at the time, even if that subreddit is not a hate-based subreddit. You also have not considered what happens when one oppressed group victimizes another oppressed group. It's not always the majority (white, male, middle class, WASP) who persecutes marginalized minorities, one persecuted group can attack and harass another persecuted group. This is what happened with the trans groups victimizing the women's group. And you took the easy route, the path of least resistance.

[–]yishengqingwa666 18 insightful - 2 fun18 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I AM anti-trans. Trans is anti-feminism.