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[–]fuckingsealions 20 insightful - 1 fun20 insightful - 0 fun21 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Your approach sounds great. My daughter is in a small high school program surrounded by trans and non binary teens and I've let her know this issue did not exist in schools 20 years ago. I asked her if she'd had trans speakers in middle school, because I've learned about the school programming trend of bringing in tra speakers without telling parents, and it turned out she had! A parent of a trans kid came in to speak, but it was voluntary and only she and her friend went from her class. We've talked about how rare gender dysphoria actually is, and how it starts very young. She has a classmate who she's known back to grade school who was a typical girly girl who is transitioning now, so she can see the contrast. I've told her about how there was an explosion in exorcisms in the 70s, about the waves of anorexia, self-harm, even the phenomenon of boy bands. I've told her about changes I've gone through and how much I changed over the course of adolescence and how glad I was that I didn't make permanent decisions (she thinks some of my old ideas don't sound like me at all, and she's right). The difference now, of course, is that this trend is somehow leading doctors to dispense medication to completely change your body and parents are being told they have to go along with it or your child will commit suicide. Yikes! I'm old enough to remember when parents made super unpopular decisions (wrt their teen) to prevent their child from harming themselves. I think it's helped her to have some history and perspective beyond YouTubers who will coach kids on how to transition and to "sneak" them binders. Christ. I also told her that there's women's colleges and she was excited to learn that and is now researching them. 😄

[–]femuhnist 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

As a mother to a much younger daughter, thank you so much for writing this all out. I love this approach. I'm terrified of my kid falling into the fashionable trans cult when she's older. Perhaps things will have changed, but maybe for the worse, somehow. Bring back boy bands, I say!

[–]Apricot_Ibex 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I’ve always thought the teen girl obsession over male musicians, all the way back to Elvis and the Beatles, was mainly a kind of socially acceptable way for them to channel their lust. Sure, they enjoyed the music, but my friends covered their rooms with posters of “hot” boy bands in the 90s and 00s and certainly spent a LOT of time talking about said hotness amongst themselves, lol. Elvis wasn’t supposed to show the lower half of his body dancing on TV, but there were screaming hordes of girls who didn’t mind his alleged “indecency,” which certainly worried some of their parents.

Meanwhile, it was and still is considered fine and normal for boys to openly talk about jerking off to Playboy or whatever (now hardcore porn instead), rate women on scales, and joke about trying to bang as many girls as they can, especially from the 60s/sexual revolution onward, while girls were still slut-shamed for every breath they took. Girls could revert back to the 50s and say such-and-such male celebrity was “dreamy” and not get shamed for it. Male-driven media and society wasn’t ready for them to admit much else.