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[–]Syphii 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You're not doing anything wrong, it's just that most men care more about their orgasm than the women being trafficked and abused in porn. Also for some outlandish reason, a lot of people equate masturbation with watching porn and therefore if you are against porn then you are against masturbation. You gotta ease them into being critical of porn so that they don't automatically shut you out as a 'prude' or 'conservative'.

I've had the most success talking about PIED (porn-induced erectile dysfunction) and how it re-wires men's brains to seek out more intense types of videos. Not to mention, that the average age to begin watching porn is 12 years old for boys, which is terrifying to think that they are getting their 'sex education' from there. Then, I slowly introduce the topic of how child porn has been allowed on pornhub despite the now-adult women begging pornhub to take down those videos. For example, Avri Sapir who had videos of her on pornhub when she was toddler being raped which took days to be removed (you can find her story on twitter). Usually, after talking about all of this they are more receptive to discussing the negative effects of porn on women as a whole.

I think we can all do our part by refusing to date men who watch porn and by sharing these views with the women around us so hopefully they can do the same.