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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Do you not see how you sound exactly like a TRA talking about GC? Replace a few words --

I want to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you didn't mean ''trans men and trans women don't real''. If that's really what you were going for, you can't be too surprised that a positive community wasn't receptive to that.

There is no science here, no argument here, no discussion at all except an attempt to stigmatize in EXACTLY the way everyone stigmatizes GC. You may as well just call me a "TERF".

And in exactly the same form, you didn't even respond to the rest of my intelligently-written stuff in the post. Nothing about "Erastes"? No calm "I think this is what sexual orientation is"? No "yeah that is creepy how people were trying to silence legitimate criticism of Jews, I had no idea that was happening"?

There's nothing pro-woman or feminist about trying to prevent women from talking about and investigating the truth of the world for themselves.

I understand that women have different opinions about this -- and I'm incredibly starved to be able to have an actual conversation about this because people have been so aggressively trying to prevent it from happening -- but the above post isn't engaging in intelligent, constructive disagreement, it's just an attempt stigmatization.

[–]venecia 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Honestly, no I don't. Homosexual behavior is observed in animals. Animals deciding they don't feel like a male or female and trying to live as the other kind is where it stops.

If you acknowledge that straight women can be wired that way and sleeping with women is not a choice they should be forced into, you're saying that sexual orientation IS real, yeah?

If you outright don't believe people can be gay, or that they're somehow choosing to be... you're allowed, but I can see why a space for feminists who have fought for lesbian rights took issue. As for the rest of your post... I'm sorry, but I'm in a space where I can finally be fully honest - I don't give a fuck about ancient LGBT history. I don't care enough to have a debate about anti-Semitism. I'm sick of this weird expectation of a space for feminists to care about literally everything at all times. I'm here to talk about women's rights and that's it, as an ordinary laywoman. Have a nice evening.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Honestly, no I don't.

Did you see the part where I changed only 3 words of your post? Do you not think, with the change, it sounds exactly like something a bad-faith TRA would say to a woman while calling her a "TERF"?

[–]Anna_Nym 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't think GC is intended to be an anything goes forum for women to talk about anything they want. It's a forum for women to talk about issues that affect us because we belong to the class of women.

So I completely understand why you were banned for wanting to debate whether sexual orientation is real or argue about the reality of anti-Semitism. Those aren't women-centered issues; this has never been a debate board; and yes, those are claims that will obviously be offensive to many people here and thus should need to be relevant. But there are other boards that you can go to that are about debating anything.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This kind of content is banned on actualwomen as well.

If "sexual orientation," sexual behavior, understanding sexual behavior in humans, trends in the ways hostiles attempt to abuse women using sexual behavior, etc, is not relevant to the issues of women as a class, then why is it brought up and discussed by other women? Why are certain opinions regarding that allowed, and certain opinions not? How does it help women? Why are the acceptable opinions not stated openly?

Why is it wrong to comment on what's going on with using "anti-semitism" to cover for real crimes when another woman brings up out of the blue how great it is that people are attacking people and calling them "anti-semitic"? What does that have to do with protecting all women? How do you think that affects our sisters who have been the victims of abuse by organized Jewish groups, including historically?

I never brought stuff up like that out of the blue, it was always in response to someone else who had already brought it up.

And it's not just a matter of removing things that are offensive to the userbase, or women who are pro-women. There was lots of open, explicit anti-White sentiment left up on the board, and many of the women there are White. You think that was not offensive to participants who are White? Or threatening? Or alienating? Perhaps it is your privilege that you are not in a position to be threatened by that rhetoric.

Women mention or discuss their opinions tons of topics on GC all the time as parts of their discussions, I don't see why these topics are any different.

And GC says it bans people for using "hateful rhetoric" ("racism," etc) or for "not being a radical feminist". But like reddit, it didn't enforce those rules evenly (leaving anti-White sentiment untouched as if White women are all unable to be harmed by it) and it banned rule-compliant participants where politically inconvenient to an agenda that was not stated in the sub purpose or the rules.