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[–]SameOldBS 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I was a second wave feminist blithely celebrating the sudden resurgence of feminism amongst young women, having no idea that it was not any kind of feminism I'd recognise. I was also oblivious to the whole trans debate until I watched a documentary on Munroe Bergdorf where she goes to a feminist meeting to show what horrible bigots they are and realising the woman in the background was making more sense than Munroe. Then finding out trans women are competing in women's sport. But it was the proposals for self ID in the UK that first peaked me - the idea that any bloke could decide he was a woman and enter women's spaces just struck me as completely insane. Perhaps because I'd had a lifetime of men and their shitty behaviour so I know they absolutely would take advantage of that. Then I happened to watch an interview with Posie Parker, and while I wasn't on board with her hard line on pronouns, she introduced me to AGP, and then a whole lot of other things fell into place. I'd watched a British documentary on people who transition, and the way the middle aged tims treated their wives, their obvious selfishness and narcissism had really struck me, but now I had a name for it. From then on it was a fast downhill run into full terfdom, with JKR giving me a hefty shove along the way.