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[–]MarkTwainiac 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Everyone has a gender identity. If someone is born female and identifies as a woman, they are a cis woman. Same with cis men.

Talk about cultural imperialism! Nothing like a young person from a Western country of the "Global North" decreeing from on high that the luxury, niche belief she and her friends hold dear is a universal trait innate to all people everywhere on planet earth. This is akin to saying all human beings have souls, and souls stained with original sin too. Or all human beings believe in America and apple pie and enjoy playing video games.

When I talk about women's struggles, I include every woman who experiences that struggle. Trans women absolutely deal with unequal pay, not being taken seriously at work, street harassment, being expected to smile, etc. When I talk about pregnancy and periods I'm obviously not including trans women because they don't experience those things.

So pregnancy and periods are no longer "women's struggles" but presumably enlarged prostates, erectile dysfunction and ball sac chafing are? In this brave and stunning new world order, which group of women have to worry most about contraception? Which ones need access to abortion?