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[–]MarkTwainiac 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

FK, you might well have found a flaw in my reasoning, but I honestly don't understand what you are saying in this last post.

My comment was a response to COMV's claim that because infants nowadays can survive without breast milk, this means breasts aren't sexual organs that play or have played a part in reproduction. My comment wasn't a response to what you said about baby formula and can openers.

Also, just for the record, whilst the inventions and tech you mention - formula, cans, can openers, bottles, nipples, sanitizing equipment & refrigeration - have indeed been around longer than any of us have been alive, they have not been around everywhere on earth. Even today in 2021, a huge percentage of the human population can't use baby formula because they do not have access to clean water with which to make the powdered form, they don't have the means and funds to pay for the fuel to boil water to sterilize it, they don't have refrigerators in which to safely store the canned versions once the cans are opened, they live in shacks or huts where the conditions make it impossible to sanitize bottles & nipples. Nor can they afford to buy infant formula in powdered or pre-made liquid form.

According to WHO, as of 2019 one-third of the world's population do not have access to water that's safe to drink, and 3 billion people are unable to engage in hand-washing that would make their hands clean enough to safely prepare or handle infant formula or cleanse/sanitize items like bottles and nipples.

If you visit "third world" countries, you'll see that even in homes where people have electricity, they often only have power some of the time. Moreover, even homes with electricity 24/7 often are such that basic cleanliness is impossible.

Finally, baby formula can't provide the immune benefits that breasts do. It takes several days after birth for a mother's milk to "come in" - but before then, the breasts of women who've just given birth secrete colostrum that is rich in both antibodies and nutrients.