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[–]loveSloaneDebate King 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Re Owners, managers, other people: asking someone you think is a male what they were doing in the women’s room is not harassment if it directly affects you or your establishment, even if it is upsetting or makes someone uncomfortable. It can be done discreetly, it can be done respectfully, and the people I listed would be rather inclined to go about bringing up the subject in a discreet and polite manner. Most people don’t jump to harass others. Particularly not business owners, managers, or women.

Im not saying that harassment doesn’t or can’t happen, I’m saying the idea that radfems and conservatives will jump to harass anyone- or that people in general jump to harass someone else- is ridiculous. The people who will harass them are not doing it because they are conservative or because they are radfems. Some of them may be either of those things, but violent people exist on all political parties and in all ideologies. They aren’t violent because they are conservative or radfem.

And any transman who passes and uses the women’s room for some reason would likely expect reactions. I doubt they’d be surprised if a manager, owner, or anyone else approached them and asked about it. They know they look male. They know they went into a female space. I’m gonna give them the benefit of the doubt I gave you, and assume they can put two and two together if an issue arises.

All of this to say- the issue can be resolved without resorting to harassment.