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[–]strictly 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't see how this is not the case that everyone is already both male and female when every cell has the potential to become sperm or egg.

I think weightlifters who choose to use a crane to lift more weight than the other the contestants should be declared the winners in the weightlifting olympics. I think humans should get the credit for being the fastest animal on land and on air as we can outspeed falcons with planes and cheetahs with cars.

We could go further, why is it that a heart is different from a kidney, an arm, an eye, a brain, etc, when in natural embryonic development, the same stem cells differentiate to give rise to all mentioned organs? Every organ comes from the same origin, the same stem cells, so why do we consider them to be different from one another? Why do we consider there be a "heart", "eye", etc separate from each other, that are their own things?

I agree, I think doctors during a heart transplantation should be allowed to replace the heart with a liver if the hospital has an overflow of livers. No need to inform the patient of this decision in advance, heart and livers have the same origin as you say so it doesn’t make sense for the patient to see hearts and livers as their own things, it’s not like patient is going to die for it.