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[–]MarkTwainiac 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Poorer people have always been much more likely to marry for love/companionship (at least in a western context).

I think that's putting too much of a modern-day gauzy, romantic, Hollywood spin on it. In the West when & where people could choose their own spouses, many people married because that was the only way they were legally & morally allowed to have PIV sexual intercourse & engage in various other sex acts. Difficult as this is to imagine today, it wasn't all that long ago when "premarital/extramarital sex" was much discussed, frowned on and widely considered taboo in Western cultures.

Of course, many couples always did have sex before or outside marriage, but often with life-shattering negative consequences, particularly for the girls & women involved. Prior to the legalization & availability of modern methods of contraception, having PIV intercourse meant that a whole lot of unwanted, unplanned pregnancies occurred. Before abortion was legalized, and things we take for granted today like the "morning after" pills that can be purchased online and without prescription were available, girls & women who became pregnant had no or little choice but to go through with the pregnancy. Unless they were willing to risk their lives getting an illegal abortion, those who weren't married inevitably became part of the widely-abhorred, shamed sex caste called "unwed mothers." Since pregnancy after a while is always visible, the fact of pregnancy was always bound to become public knowledge - and for girls & women who were unmarried, pregnancy meant being publicly branded a slut and shunned, and for many it meant banishment to special "homes for wayward girls & women," many of which were effectively prisons. In some places, like Ireland, becoming pregnant outside of marriage often meant a girl or woman would be locked up & made to do slave labor the rest of her life.

In these situations, many of the boys & men who got girls & women pregnant walked away - but others stepped up & did "the right thing" by marrying the girl/woman they'd impregnated. These were called "shotgun weddings" - and they were very common. Often the couples who entered into shotgun marriages were fond of and genuinely cared about one another. But they really didn't "marry for love/companionship." They got married to spare the female partner public shame, disgrace and punishment - and to spare the baby the shame of growing up as an "illegitimate child."