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[–]comradeconradical[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You know, this is refreshing advice, much appreciated. I'll take you up on it. It's easy to get tunnel vision and forget the bigger picture of life and suffering. Also, I'm fairly active in GC circles but I also tend to soften my wording is debate in order not to alienate the other side- but truly why, when their views alienate me and my sex?

It must be horrible to feel so unhappy and disconnected from oneself, and it is horrible to recognize the sexist stereotypes and attitudes in society, but that doesn't mean our bodies are actually wrong or that society's expectations of sex roles and expression must be adhered to. You're right, the sexist tinge that accompanies it is extremely distasteful, and more the demands of many from this group are increasingly selfish and narcissistic.

The delusions of the involved individuals and the cult-behavior of the group are difficult to address and get through as outsiders because of how deeply entrenched they are, especially as the villainous GC, so it's more beneficial to challenge the views of the supporters who have not critically examined the ideology. That being said, I'm still hoping someone who is QT will approach the question of self-id and the 'no-true-scotsman' fallacy.