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[–]emptiedriver 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And it seems male or female only have to do with procreation

Bingo! You got it. Sex is short for sexual reproduction. That is all it is. Anything else you are connecting to it is your own baggage. What it means is which body you got. In the human species, sexual reproduction requires two types - star bellied sneetches, and those without stars upon thars - or however you want to see it. Some people have pods to grow the life form and little seedlings, some people have fertilizers. You need both to make a baby, and you were born with a body that does one or the other. DOn't want to have a baby? Then forget about it and just be a person...

Oh, except people carrying seedling pods do have an extra inner organ system their whole life that takes away some of the power from other parts of their body and makes them a little more vulnerable, and it's pretty evident from the outside which ones they are, so they get taken advantage of physically or even threatened to fertilize their seedlings against their will.

So it doesn't matter if you do or don't procreate or want to procreate. It matters which body you have if you were going to procreate. Which part would you be able to play at any point in your life if someone forced you to help continue the human race by sexual reproduction. That is all that sex is, but it ends up having a large social impact on how we think about power structures. "Might makes right" has been the rule through much of history, the reason wars are won, and certainly the problem women have faced.