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[–]emptiedriver 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is the confusion of sex and gender that is always getting us into trouble. Sex is a technical fact, and it is binary and absolute. Which reproductive role is your body capable of playing (or would it be if its reproductive organs were working properly)? There are only two options, and if neither is more accurate then your body is a very rare case - but it also is technically not sexed. To have a sex, your body was born with the basic reproductive potential of one or the other sex. As a female, you are born with hundreds of eggs inside you.

Gender is the larger category we use to describe sexually secondary features, "typical characteristics", and further identity aspects. It's performative, interactive and social. It can be very important, but it doesn't have to be validated as a sex - some people are perfectly happy to be understood as MiT/ FiT and see their genders as distinct from the biological, and some GC types have no problem respecting gender preference when it is social, so long as it does not overlap the legal or take away rights of women as a political unit.

That's why the biological has to be clarified as separate. Women are females, born with eggs, the capacity to menstruate & be impregnated: that's historically, politically, culturally central to our story and our connection to each other. Males who bond with women on a social level can become great friends and for some people the closest "girlfriends" of all, but politically they are allies rather than members of the class.