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[–]OrneryStruggle 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The reason all these conservatives, like Quillette commenters, keep claiming that 17 year old tumblr radfems who weren't alive in the 80s or older gender critical women/feminists were "hoisted by their own petard" is precisely because they, like you now, treated feminism as a monolith their whole lives and weren't interested enough in women's writings or experiences to bother knowing that the women/girls they claim are being "hoisted by their own petard" are not at all the same women, and do not share the views of the women, who introduced or supported any of the aforementioned illiberal ideas into the academe. It sure is easy to argue against a strawman and claim to every woman interested in women's rights that she is that strawman.

Maybe if those conservative men were half as interested in what women are thinking, writing and experiencing, as INDIVIDUAL HUMAN BEINGS, as they are in stroking their own egos by whining about those darn feminists, they'd actually know they're wrong by now, or after all those quillette articles by feminists that spell out loud and clear that the GC radfems complaining that sex is real and biology is being ignored were never "anti biology" in the first place. But they're more interested in feeling smarter than women smarter than them, so there you have it.