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[–]questioningtw 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Awesome! I am from Reddit and am moderetly GC(I basically think being transgender is a real condition and that trans people who are what they say they are; but they have to start transitioning and I think this non binary thing is just silly for the most part) My experiences with gender are pretty bad and partially why I am GC. Growing up I was always fascinated by cars and dinosaurs which my parents hated. I also was very rebellious when it came to picking up stuff after boys and would cry about how unfair it was that they got to actually have fun, while girls did underappreciated work. I also hated make up and wanted to be seen as smart and funny and not just pretty. This got me called bullied relentlessly and one of the reasons I hav e such bad internalized misogyny. I hated that men actually seemed to like other men and had activity based friendships; while women were just supposed to gossip. I used to also hate how men would be upfront with each other, while women would often make plans and then completely flake out or do stuff like invite you to be a bridesmaid and then right before the wedding say nvm, you are too fat and I just didn't want to bring it up before. For a long time I actually did question my gender. How could I really be a woman if I value stuff men value? Maybe I am not a man, but agender or genderfluid! I realized this was silly and that I loved reading about genuine and trailblazing women. One reason I get so touchy with this Kathrine Hepburn was trans crap is because it just makes me think that people hate strong women and want them to be men.

[–]tamingthemindradfem (GC) 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I hated that men actually seemed to like other men and had activity based friendships; while women were just supposed to gossip.

Absolutely feel this. Also, the expectation that men's friendships should be solely based on doing activities, and that discussing feelings with fellow male friends is "unmanly" - it's the flipside of those shitty prescriptions.