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So I'm hesitant to reply, because I'm not really happy with my cooking ability lately. I also rely on meat for some of my nutritional needs, so I can't give recipes that are especially recommended for meat-free balanced nutrition. But I think this is a good topic so I don't want to leave it without reply, and I don't see any replies yet.

I've been eating lentils a fair amount lately. First put the lentils you will cook on a plate and look through all of them, making sure there are no stones or other debris (it only takes one missed stone to break a tooth). Cook lentils with the amount of water they will absorb in cooking, with whatever spices I feel like (maybe especially cumin and turmeric). Maybe put in some chopped vegetables partway through (so they don't overcook if they take less time to cook than the lentils). Add fat at the end, maybe olive oil or ghee or tahini or whatever. Add salt. Maybe add a fresh herb as garnish to individual plates.

I also like homemade fresh salad dressing. Which I guess isn't a vegetable, but it can go on salad vegetables in a salad. oil & acid(vinegar, citrus juice, leftover pickling brine, whatever) (ratio can vary, maybe half:half, or maybe more oil than acid), a clove or few of mashed raw garlic (I use a small mortar & pestle to mash), some store-bought dijon mustard (emulsifier, holds oil&vinegar together), mashed fresh herbs/spices (pepper, basil, oregano, thyme, whatever), salt. You can probably find a better explanation online of "basic vinaigrette" with some example measurements to start with.

Well, there's a reply! Maybe others have better ideas, and maybe these are already in your recipe-book. But at least there's a reply now.