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[–]binaryblob 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Exactly the opposite. It can not be stored. It always needs to be generated.

It's a meaningless concept. Oil needs to be refined and evaporates.

Solar and wind are just temporary and very low in power.

You can argue all day long, but solar is an economic way of producing power right now.

The mechanisms for zero-carbon or carbon-neutral are FAKE.

Direct-air capture is a real technology and there are more. However, most energy is still dirty, yes. Apparently, even natural hydrogen has been found. If we plaster the oceans with solar panels, there's more than enough energy (and no, those don't have to be made from rare earth materials; it's just that their efficiency is much higher when they are).

Some nuclear fusion forms of power generation generate electricity immediately without boiling water. So, you are wrong. It is true there is no public commercial reactor yet, but that's irrelevant; the mechanisms already exist and it's just a matter of time and capital before oil is obsolete for power generation.

It is far better to drive with normal busses during winter and save energy.

I doubt you have ever compared the two in a commercial setting and as such, why would anyone care about your opinion? The science is not on your side. The science says that even in winter time the opex is lower/km.

Climate change is mostly a political problem, not a technical one.