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[–]Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

Saidit has more free speech, but the same type of shitty, judgmental assholes on it just like Reddit, only they're on the other political extreme; being white nationalist retards instead of woke retards. I don't use Twitter, but I'm pretty sure it's garbage and doesn't even allow you to say "retard" on there.

Free speech does come with a price and that includes having to deal with a lot of horrendously immoral people who should've probably been aborted (including numerous unemployed, no-life stalkers who literally have nothing better to do than follow you around every single post and project their personal failures in life onto you as some kind of twisted therapy, as others have shown me through screenshots in DM's), but I do remember the late 2000s and early 2010s when we had the best of both worlds: Free speech and not that many psychopaths exiled into one corner of the internet. 2012 is when everything became corporate and the "Enshittification" started happening. Twitter, for the longest time, was only used and ran by far-woke idiots, so nothing was really lost there.

But by far the biggest example of enshitting is YouTube, where you now can't even say or type "dead," "killed," "suicide," or "retarded" on there, creating an entire generation of Zoomers and Gen Alpha people who will grow up being normalized to use self-censor baby-words like "bubble" (kill/killed), "unalived" (dead/suicide), "bundle of sticks" (faggots/fags), or "KYS" (kill yourself.) It's not even for Monetization anymore; you literally cannot type these words in anymore without getting 24-hour bans or having your comment insta-removed.

Meanwhile, they have literal porn and Elsagate pedo-bait that they leave up on there, as I showed in another post here on Saidit. YouTube does nothing to remove that content, even if you report it and flag it, but will ban you for saying "retard" or "fag." (Not even in the slur sense to attack others, but in the general "that's stupid or lame" sense.) Shows where their priorities lie and it's not in "protecting people."

The only real problem with Saidit, other than it's userbase of actual alt-right cartoonish stereotypes of conservative "Nazis," and autistic woke leftists spewing sexually degenerate filth to everyone unprovoked, is that the Block feature doesn't work properly and I still get waste-of-sperm stalkers following me around on every single post. I mean, I also had stalkers on Reddit and GaG as well, but I never actually knew of their existence since blocking meant actual blocking and not just shadow-banning them.

So /u/magnora7, when are you eventually going to fix the Block function considering some of the psychopaths on here? Please improve the Block function so these people can't still see us or interact with us on here, adding useless trash to our posts. Even if they'll just create dummy accounts and mirror-troll accounts. It would be greatly appreciated to limit the people on here calling us these words, even if they're allowed to say them. Not trying to mute anyone's mouths; just trying to block my ears from listening to some of these jobless nutters and psychopaths. Thank you.

[–]fschmidt[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I just posted "retard" on Twitter.

Why do you think SaidIt has more free speech? Of course Twitter used to be a Leftist cesspool, but then Elon Musk bought it.

Of course I am banned on YouTube.

SaidIt has censorship. It also has a lot of bugs that never get fixed. I just spent a few hours playing with Twitter and it is improving. The Twitter search now works, it didn't used to. The SaidIt search never worked.

[–]Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why do you think SaidIt has more free speech?

Because of all of the unironic use of "nigger," "shitskins," "kill Jews," and actual unhinged threats to people's lives I used to see on the front page all the time on this site when first joining. (Only time I've ever suggested someone should die on here was directed towards pedophiles and others harming children and I stand by that argument.) And like I said; I'm not against free speech, but it doesn't mean I should have to look at insane ramblings and insults all the time, either. Let these people post their unhinged psychotic shit all they want, but also let me block them so I don't have to see it and can interact with the slightly less insane people on here.

But no; the Block feature pretty much just hides their comments from view (though you can still see them if you peek them open) but still allows them to follow you around and post crazy shit non-stop. I have like six people on here who do that, though I think one of them just has three alt accounts. Which as I said, I also used to get from burner accounts from far-leftists on Reddit too. But the difference is, Reddit actually fully bans communication from these people to where they can't even see you on the website after blocking them. Where as Saidit still lets them be part of my Fan Club.

And I honestly wouldn't even care if they didn't post so much shit at once. I did one post that had like 22 comments on it, with only four of them visible to me. And it's all the same old childish "I hate you" and generic slur/insult here and there, along with a lot of projection. There's legitimate Mcheetah Derangement Syndrome on Saidit, as if I'm someone famous or special. I guess I never imagined some people can have dicks that small to waste their finite time on a total stranger on the internet who's opinions are pretty tame compared to a lot of the out-there, unhinged extremist shit you see on this site.

Like I said, free speech is fine, but no one's entitled to free attention.

[–]Jiminy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

TLDR but in the first paragraph you're saying you want people banned because you disagree with them. Bad take.

[–]Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Me? I literally never once said or even implied I wanted anyone "banned because I disagree with them" or banned at all. Go back and read it again.

Free speech does come with a price and that includes having to deal with a lot of horrendously immoral people

I do remember the late 2000s and early 2010s when we had the best of both worlds: Free speech and not that many psychopaths exiled into one corner of the internet.

Not trying to mute anyone's mouths; just trying to block my ears from listening to some of these jobless nutters and psychopaths.

Free speech is fine, but no one's entitled to free attention.

[–]Jiminy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Terrible take "Free speech is fine, but no one's entitled to free attention."

That's just saying censorship good. race realist posts get attention due to being facts. Prove it wrong but never censor.

[–]Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't get what part of "Free speech is fine, but no one's entitled to free attention" you don't get. No one is ENTITLED to have others listen to idiots yammer on about retarded race-realism shit, white nationalism, Flat Earth theories, LGBT propaganda, or the flaws of "heteronormative patriarchy" and "toxic masculinity." How is ignoring retarded shit on the internet "censorship?" No one is taking away their ability to say hateful stupid things by ignoring them.

This is why I usually never respond to posts like these. I won't make that mistake again.

[–]Jiminy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

We should be entitled to it. If we're not, we're censored. Private companies can censor? Make that illegal. You're not ignoring anything, you're too weak willed, you're addicted to outrage, you can't block me or log off here. You want big brother to do it for you and save you from the mean tweets. You as in all liberals.