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[–]Mcheetah 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My serious legit answer? My most "controversial" opinion is that "bisexuals" pretty much don't exist and 99% of them are either lesbians trying to simp/exploit/abuse straight men because these "men" are beta enough to "date" openly gay women in the first place, or they're straight women pretending to be on the alphabet bandwagon for woke points and desperate attention from loser males who have that cuck fetish.

There probably are legitimate women who's brains are broken enough to legitimately be attracted to both genders equally (and I say women, cause assuming it was even real, "bisexuality" most certainly does not apply to men who are obviously just raging homosexuals,) but these women would make up 1% or less of the so-called "bisexuals" out there, who didn't even exist before the mid 2000s.

If a disgusting carpet-munching dyke wants to be a dyke, then whatever. Good on her, I guess? I honestly have no problem with legitimate, open and honest gay people. But don't be a dyke who admits you like women and want to be with women in the bedroom and spend your life with one, but then also exploit loser "men" with no standards and zero self-respect and dignity, for their money and emotional validation from them just because women don't simp and these "men" you exploit lack so much balls, they're willing to be abused by an open lesbian who openly admits she's not into you/your gender. I quite literally cannot think of anything more emasculating, beta, and pathetic than a supposedly "straight 'man' " willing to be cucked by an open lesbian who hates you and your gender.

I will NEVER understand the humiliation and emasculation fetish, especially by guys who still expect anyone to take them seriously or respect them after that. You cannot seriously give up all self-respect and agree to be emasculated as a cuckold to a gay woman, then expect other men to take you seriously after that as anything even remotely resembling a man. And yet, this is the alphabet Clown World we live in. Straight males with a negative-testosterone count willingly engaging in fake relationships with lesbians. It's not even rare anymore; so many "technically male" simps out there have this fucking disgusting lesbian fetish. I don't even consider myself an "Alpha Male," but that shit is beyond emasculating and disgusting. Have some fucking self-respect and dignity; Jesus!

If I was to give a joke answer here, it'd be "Hitler did nothing wrong" and I'd just wait for people to take the bait.