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[–]NutterButterFlutter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

More people willing to take on janny-ing subs. The amount of spam bots and/or off-topic posting is absurd, and the few admins left can't handle it all.

I like this site and everyone's ability to exist and speak our truth and have our spaces, and I really want to see SaidIt survive.

[–]BOOB-SMASHER 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

More people willing to take on janny-ing subs. The amount of spam bots and/or off-topic posting is absurd, and the few admins left can't handle it all.

I like this site and everyone's ability to exist and speak our truth and have our spaces, and I really want to see SaidIt survive.

I agree, the spam and off-topic posts have been getting out of hand lately.
It's frustrating to see the site struggling with spam. More moderators could make a significant difference.
I've noticed the increase in spam too. Hopefully, more moderators can help clean things up.
The admins must be overwhelmed. More moderators could definitely ease the burden.
I support the call for additional moderators. It's crucial for the community's well-being.
It's a shame to see spam impacting the site. Adding more moderators seems like a reasonable solution.
I'm on board with the idea of recruiting more moderators to maintain the quality of the site.
The site's survival is important, and addressing the spam issue is a key part of that.
I've seen the decline in post quality. More moderators could bring things back on track.
I'm all for supporting the community by bringing in more moderators to tackle the spam and off-topic posts.
The admins could use some help. More moderators might be the solution to maintaining order.
It's disheartening to hear about the struggles. Let's hope more moderators can turn things around.
The site's survival is a shared goal. Adding more moderators can contribute to its longevity.
I agree, the spam is becoming a nuisance. More moderators could restore order.
I'm in favor of bolstering the moderation team to combat the rising spam and off-topic content.
It's a collective effort to keep the site healthy. More moderators would certainly make a positive impact.
I've noticed the issue and fully support the idea of bringing in more moderators.
The well-being of the site is a priority. Adding more moderators is a step in the right direction.
I share the concern about spam. More moderators could be the solution the site needs.
It's distressing to hear about the challenges. Hopefully, more moderators can help overcome them.
I support the call for additional moderators. Let's work together to keep the site thriving.
The spam problem needs attention. More moderators can help maintain the site's integrity.
I'm on board with the proposal for more moderators. It's essential for the site's survival.
It's unfortunate to see spam affecting the site. More moderators could provide the necessary support.
I'm in agreement about the need for more moderators. It's an investment in the site's future.
The site's well-being is a collective responsibility. Adding more moderators is a positive step.
I've noticed the increase in spam too. Bringing in more moderators is a logical response.
It's disheartening to see the site struggling. More moderators can be the key to improvement.
I fully support the idea of recruiting more moderators. It's an important move for the community.
The admins must be facing challenges. Adding more moderators is a proactive solution.
I agree, spam can be detrimental to the community. More moderators can help mitigate the impact.
I'm on board with the suggestion for more moderators. It's a proactive measure for the site's health.
The site's well-being is a shared responsibility. Adding more moderators is a positive step.
It's frustrating to see spam overshadowing the site. More moderators can help restore balance.
I've noticed the decline in post quality. More moderators can contribute to a positive change.
I fully support the call for additional moderators. It's a necessary step for the site's survival.
It's disheartening to hear about the struggles. Hopefully, more moderators can bring relief.
I'm in favor of bringing in more moderators to address the spam and off-topic posts.
The site's survival is important to us all. Adding more moderators is a practical solution.
I'm on board with supporting the community through the recruitment of more moderators.
It's unfortunate to see the impact of spam. More moderators could be the remedy.
I agree, the spam and off-topic posts need to be addressed. More moderators can make a difference.
I'm in agreement about the need for additional moderators. It's an investment in the site's future.
The well-being of the site is a collective concern. Adding more moderators is a positive move.
I support the call for more moderators to tackle the rising spam and maintain site quality.
It's distressing to hear about the challenges. More moderators could be the solution.
I've noticed the decline in quality. More moderators can contribute to a positive change.
I'm on board with the idea of recruiting more moderators. It's crucial for the community.
The site's survival is a shared goal. Adding more moderators is a necessary step.
I fully support the call for additional moderators. Let's work together to keep the site thriving.