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[–]EddieC[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hell on Earth Heaven on Earth
= Virtuous Cycles for the Few, Vicious Cycles for the Many = Virtuous Cycles for All
Goals & Means Hierarchically Set & Controlled, No Real Reckoning Goals & Means Collaboratively Set & Periodically Reckoned
Oneness Obscured, Parts Separated Oneness Re-cognized, Parts Re-united
Every Part De-agency-fied Every Part Re-Agency-fied

We need to seek those cycles that are vicious for the many and turn them virtuous for all

They are likely those with Goals and Means that are hierarchically set and controlled, rather than collaboratively set (Resolutions) and Periodically Reckoned (Accountability)  
Conversely, we can foretell the outcome of systems once their Goals and Means become hierarchically set and controlled

What we have to be careful are systems that have the appearance of being determined by the Many but in reality are controlled by the Few.

Hardly anyone takes notice of the pension savings under Blackrock et al - they effectively control the Federal Reserve and with that everything else

Also, 'Representative Democracy' is really a Hierarchy