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[–]Mcheetah 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Publicly, no. Semi-secretly; they literally rule the world. And that's not hyperbole. That piece of shit Klaus Schwab owns Larry Fink and Larry Fink is the CEO of BlackRock, a company worth like $10 trillion in assets and financially controls most of the most-powerful companies in the world, including Disney. That's why all these corporations go all out for Pride Month with the rainbows and shit; BlackRock won't give them money if they won't comply with ESG (woke points.) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is even one of the many branches on [The Great Reset.]()

Also, Klaus Schwab and the WEF has groomed some of the world's top leaders, including Beta-male Batman, Justin Trudeau, running Canada, and the former Tranny-in-Chief of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern. They were hand-picked to run those countries in sham elections. And while Biden is too old, senile, and useless to be on the in-crowd of the WEF, several people around him is, although Kamala Harris is also too much of an idiot to be in their club. As shitty as everyone in the WEF is, none of them are stupid people. So Biden and Harris aren't part of the WEF, but their donors and "masters" probably are.

Hell, they tried to persuade Trump to join the WEF years ago, but he turned them down. In 2017, when he became president, they tried to get him to join them again and he turned them down again. He then went on to back out of the Paris Agreement, which really put him on their shitlist. And that led to both the Russian Collision hoax, and the interference of the 2020 election, which they literally admiitted they rigged (link provided because people are "conspiracy theorist" finger-pointer deniers and idiots.) Hell, all the current stuff and indictments is probably also due to them still targeting Trump.

So yes. Their secret influence has literally placed world leaders into power and they control the company that controls the entire Western world, BlackRock. Hell, I bet they probably have major influence with the Chinese Communist Party, as well. The entire villain plot to the movie "Kingsman: The Secret Service" was directly referencing them, with Samuel L. Jackson basically playing a atand-in for Klaus Schwab.