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[–]Mcheetah[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why would you want to be alone?

  1. The risks outweigh the benefits.
  2. No good single women left (no, single mothers don't count unless they're widows.)
  3. I'm not into OF whores, trannies, feminists, or lesbians (see point #2.)
  4. Most women are boring AF and can't keep my interest (I'd say "most people" but not into dudes, so they're irrelevant.)
  5. I'm not a simp, so I'm not going to be with a woman I have to be a pay-pig for, all in the name of supposed "traditionalism."
  6. More than 50% of marriages now end in divorce. And Kanye, the man who literally wrote a song screaming "We Want Prenup!" learned that the hard way.
  7. I like my freedom.
  8. I like my disposable income and having $12,000 saved in the bank to do whatever with.
  9. I don't want kids (I have shitty genetics and don't want to pass that on to anyone else, but in an ideal situation with a 'unicorn,' I'd adopt a Korean baby girl or something.)
  10. Marriage, and raising a family, is expensive.
  11. This world is full of idiots and bringing a child into it right now is risky AF.
  12. This world is full of groomers, pedophiles, and child rapists who use the shield of "LGBT marginalized status" to get away with their crimes and brainwashing children of the gay-trans agenda through public education, so bringing a child into it right now is downright insane. (I'm a teacher, so I know how fucked some of these people are and how fucked the system is, but I don't teach American kids anymore.)

No one WANTS to be alone. As a former hopeless romantic, I'd definitely treat the right woman for me like she's the most valuable thing in my life besides my own fulfillment. But finding a good woman nowadays is like finding an actual heterosexual American woman nowadays; they just doesn't exist anymore. It's better to be alone than in a relationship prison doing a life sentence with someone you hate who's the mother of your children. Either way, you're better off getting a dog or making some more same-sex friends than dating nowadays just out of "loneliness."