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[–]MSmixer 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They have been told they are victims, have been robbed, and should be living in luxury but they have been robbed of wealth by virtue of skin color which is why they live in poverty, are illiterate, and experiencing any and all misfortunes. They are told repeatedly that they do not bear responsibility for their circumstances and that their lives are this way because at one point in time black people were slaves and I guess the argument is that had it not been for this practice they would all be rich or something and so they have internalized the message and the scenario is playing itself out.

Obviously the fact that the people pushing the message of racism and oppression against blacks, painting a distorted picture of reality and imposing a feeling of hopelessness to ever have hard work be rewarded, thus enslaving them further to this victim mentality are themselves multi million and billionaire black people. Somehow Noone thinks to ask if what they claim is in fact true, that everything wrong in their community is the fault of racism, oppression and white people stealing their shit, how the heck did these black people ever amass their fortunes, it flies in the face of these claims. How can a black man ever become president for 2 terms in a racist country with only 12% of the population being black? 

Overall it seems that the easier path is blame others for personal failure, refuse to engage in critical thinking or self awareness and just demand to be given things because you're ancestors procreated successfully despite being in bandage. Conveniently nobody ever mentions that there were in fact black plantation owners that owned slaves. It reflects on the failure of the public school system that it can even get to this point. I guess if you don't have uneducated minds you can't herd them into doing your bidding as easily nor would you have such dependence and obedience.

That is an oversimplification, offered as a quick explanation to a complex issue.