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[–]Gaydolf_Titler 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Even before my (long overdue) departure from reddit several years back, I had considered developing a censorship-free reddit-style link aggregator/discussion forum that would be heavily privacy-focused for users (unlike, ahem...certain sites that are Cloudflared or rely on advertising like Google Analytics). But because I wouldn't allow advertising or cross-site scripting (and really would prefer to use no javascript at all), the site would need to rely on donations to pay for hosting, unless some sort of blockchain token was employed that users could purchase to help pay for hosting and reward other users for content. And therein lies the problem - I am extremely idealistic when it comes to user privacy, and would not want folks to pay for said tokens using traditional means that could allow for tracking. The only real alternative is to only accept anonymous payments in Monero, but that would of course severely limit the user base.

Another reason it's never materialized is that I'm just one guy who trusts literally no one. While automod bots can help, they're not anywhere near foolproof, and I don't see how I could possibly find a mod crew that I wasn't constantly suspicious of, considering the overall theme of said forum(s) would be conspiracy-based, and likely would attract a whole range of undesireables. I've run into this problem before (many years ago) running forums that dealt with highly controversial topics, and it sucks when you find out one of your crew glows.

I'd consider it if someone of means were to completely fund it, including covering the cost of my time for development and server administration + a bit of pay for a small mod crew, but I don't really see that happening. I've thought about reaching out to some folks in politics, but I'd trust them even less than some anon who says he agrees with my priciples. Bottom line is that simply being the founder and admin of such a highly controversial site would put a big target on ones back, and while I'm a truth-seeker, I'm not a stupid one with a death wish.

In the meantime, I just work on other stuff that, while being focused on security and privacy, doesn't deal with user-generated content that could get me or a crew in tons of hot water. I'm paranoid enough as it is, but hats off to others who have the balls to do it.