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[–]RamblingOtter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The only reason was those positions were high paying and fairly affluent. That is no longer the case, working in those fields is easier by all accounts and the qualification (and therefore salary) range has become a lot more diverse. When women found out in order to earn major cash, you had to be a brainbox with the personality of an absolute angel to match, they noped out. Most men fall short of the mark too.

The reality is, feminism has failed. We have pretty much past the point where women want those roles - or rather they are being told they want those roles.

You speak to any early 20s girl now, the grand majority of them have realised that the whole stay at home and raise the kids deal is not such a bad deal after all. I know full well, my wife is 8 years younger than me. Though we love each other very much, I think she secretly thanks her lucky stars that all she has to do is worry about keeping the house and kids in order when she hears about the bullshit I have to do daily to keep the lights on. I'm no hero or anything, I'm not that magnanimous but when you have a boss who is basically a bully - a woman who was overly promoted into tech I might add - that nobody will do anything about, you soon see how the land lies.

And women don't want the stress and the aggro. Women I know outside of my marriage are of various age ranges, most of them career bitches. The ones who have missed that age cut off and now have no option but to proceed are very angry people who want to exert as much control as possible.

One in particular is 39 and I know deep down regrets not settling with a man to do the married thing - and believe me this girl had options if she wanted them. She pretty much admitted it one evening. Believe this girl went through men like they were disposable tissues. All were just not good enough for one reason or another. That is, they could never overtake her. But when she's being promoted and paid stupid money in roles that she even admitted she doesn't really know how to do, what chance did the average bloke have? So there she is now, on over £100k per year and the days of men wanting any piece of her ass are long gone. I don't gloat such a thing, but she would never listen when we told her that she needs to give at least one of these guys half a chance and cut them some slack. Nope, they were all nothings and lazy bastards who would never do anything to better themselves. The thing is, she could never understand the preferential treatment she got during her career. And I think she's realised now she's hitting 40, no men are chasing her anymore apart from the ones she (very understandably) doesn't like and her ass and boobs aren't doing much to get her in any further positions of power.

Compare that to 2-3 mid 20s I speak to regularly (I do a lot of local music), the general mindset is find a man that's going places and get married. Some of them are born again virgins of course, that is banged around and were lucky to come out of that life without an STD or a baby and now looking for a man with a good job they can settle up with.

My ex is 32 and followed that exactly. We dated when we were younger but wanted to bang anything that moved ergo we split up. Her partner count must be 100+ but whatever, not my problem. Well to see her now, she dresses like a fairy princess and is happily carrying her first child after meeting a guy who runs a niche software business and is doing very well for himself. I mean, I do wonder if he knew the depraved shit she used to get up to if he would feel the same, but shit do you really know that girl you're with right now?

It's all a bit arse about face. Feminism straight up conned girls. It told them they could be high power career bitches, fuck all round them and still come up smiling. The reality is, most don't come up smiling. For the girls I grew up around, feminism gave them unwanted pregnancies, expectations in life that did not get matched up to, trauma from sexual kinks they convinced themselves that they were into but it turned out they weren't - and of course all men are rapists now, right - and they get to live life by their decisions. It's a real shame.

Mid 20s and below? Only one of two categories. The ones who still believe the bullshit they've been force fed and are making use of as the establishment still supports the concept, and the ones who have figured it out and deciding to opt out of it. Yep, there are still young women falling for the scam as companies will hire them into positions they can't do, promote them into roles that either mean nothing or they can't do and only too late will they realise it really isn't what they wanted. Other girls have figured out it's bullshit, playing their strengths and pinning their hopes on finding a man that hasn't also been corrupted by the feminist joke too.

Yes, for real, there are huge swathes of men too reeling from the effects of feminism. It isn't local to girls. And I assure you the damage is far far far greater. Young men these days? They are horribly horribly damaged. And in many cases I fully believe irrecoverably so.