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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

Ah, I see--you are suggesting that, because I like SE, I should leave and go somewhere else

Clearly you don't see. I said you can follow them when they go, not leave. Follow the rules and participate on both SaidIt and Freedit or select one, as you like. I don't have a beef with you, but if you want more free speech and/or you enjoy the company of sealions, liars, shills, and/or trolls then FreedIt might be better for you.

a Saiddit that more closely resembles what you wish it to be

It's not about my wishes, it's about following the site rules including downward dragging to undermine SaidIt.

and to ask me to leave Saidit

I never said that.

Your censorious inclination is precisely what they are looking for over there!

Your boring attempt at satire is tedious and predictably plain. I bet you have no clue how much trash the admins of SaidIt have to deal with on the regular. Deleting STABs (spam, trolls, and bots) is routine site maintenance. Clearing out Shalom is an irregular part of that, only mildly different.

[–]milkmender11 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

Oh, cut the disingenuous faux-concern. Your posts are dripping, dripping with supercillious contemptuousness. We aren't redditors. We know you. We're all kind of like you here. At least I openly ridicule you, you aren't fooling anyone in pretending that you are acting in good faith. That's why I mocked you for acting so. That was the joke. Swoosh.

So don't backpeddle now and say you were doing anything other than saying you want SE and I gone. This isn't a debate, we both know you. We are both walking into this knowing what is in your head. It's just you and I here, nobody else gives a shit about this speck of a thread in this solitary post on this obscure corner of the internet. This is functionally DMs between us to. Drop the act and tell me what you really think of me. HIT ME damnit HIT ME

You have failed to offer a justification of why your marvellously vague and frankly bizarre interpretation of the rules is correct. You seem to think it is a given simply because you say it. So let's so the Saiddit thing, if you want to 'follow the rules' so badly. What is your argument? Give me the specifics. How is SE breaking the rules? And how is your argument rooted in a reasonable and objective interpretation of the rules, absent your own personal conjecture?

Your boring attempt at satire is tedious and predictably plain.

My friend... How can I explain this... That isn't how this works. I'm not defending myself, trying to demonstrate that to you that my words are not tedious or plain. That is the point. YOU are the point. Eliciting that reaction, specifically, from you, is the point. I would be sarcastic, tedious, plain, sardonic, insightful, or creative, only just to receive this response from you, specifically. That is how trolling works. That is its lifeblood. Welcome to the internet.

It is interesting that you find my suggestion to be tedious and plain, though. That indicates you have received the same suggestion repeatedly, to the point where it has become excrutiatingly banal. You even imply that I commit a faux pas by invoking such supposedly quotidian tropes. Curious--I have never received the suggestion myself. Most of us here haven't. What is unique about you that it comes so frequently?... The mob doesn't agree on much, you know. Perhaps there is some wisdom in their consistent critique of you.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Your posts are dripping, dripping with supercillious contemptuousness. We aren't redditors. We know you.

If you know me then you know that I'm being earnest.

you aren't fooling anyone in pretending that you are acting in good faith.

My good faith OP is about how I want trash off of SaidIt. I'm not pretending. You can leave with him if you like. You can guarantee that if you break the rules.

nobody else gives a shit about this speck of a thread in this solitary post on this obscure corner of the internet.

This may be true. And on this obscure corner of the internet I don't want to read spam, trolls, shills, liars, bots, and rule breakers clogging and tangling up our threads. We don't have time for this shit when there's a global psycho-info-war on.

Drop the act and tell me what you really think of me. HIT ME damnit HIT ME

I don't think of you. I don't even remember interacting with your alias name before this post. As always on SaidIt, I'm never just responding to the individual (unless in PMs) I'm responding for the crowd, whether they even read it or not. In this case, you're just another anon to respond to of hundreds or even thousands until you earn a place in my memory and your alias takes on a personality worth respecting, rejecting, or something in between.

You seem to think it is a given simply because you say it.

I posted it in /s/AskSaidIt, not /s/DecreeUntoSaidIt.

How is SE breaking the rules? And how is your argument rooted in a reasonable and objective interpretation of the rules, absent your own personal conjecture?

Sealioning like you, plus lying and downward dragging to undermine SaidIt, as I've already stated. Read my post again and the linked conversation if you're confused.

I would be sarcastic, tedious, plain, sardonic, insightful, or creative, only just to receive this response from you, specifically.

Tiresome and dull witted attempts to provoke are indeed banal. If you can actually be insightful, creative, or witty I'd be more likely to engage, and in more length and depth, since it seems you seek that. If you can do so, you will be a rarity on SaidIt, IMO. I already see your rich vocabulary worth great respect (best I recall on SaidIt) but a cornucopia of vernacular flourishes without substantial ideas ultimately exhibits as an empty fragile vase ever yearning for ephemeral flowers.

You even imply that I commit a faux pas

Where? You've lost me.

_Curious--I have never received the suggestion myself. Most of us here haven't.

Again, I'm not sure what suggestion you're referring to.

Perhaps there is some wisdom in their consistent critique of you.

I'm certain it's not as consistent as you've incorrectly inferred.

" A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,
adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.
With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do.
He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall.
Speak what you think now in hard words,
and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again,
though it contradict every thing you said to-day.
— 'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.' —
Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood?
Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates,
and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton,
and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh.
To be great is to be misunderstood. "
            ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

[–]milkmender11 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My good faith OP is about how I want trash off of SaidIt. I'm not pretending. You can leave with him if you like. You can guarantee that if you break the rules.

You call us trash and assert good faith in the same breath. You remind me of my best friend. He likewise has this streak wherein he may behave as a bad faith actor, but so long as he honestly believes that 'trash' is an objective assessment and not his own opinion, then in his mind, he is acting in good faith. In reality it is an inflation of self-opinion, if not outright narcissistic. You self-define your parameters as objective and so semantically reorganize the argument in a way that, in your view, you have won before anyone says a word in contest.

And on this obscure corner of the internet I don't want to read spam, trolls, shills, liars, bots, and rule breakers clogging and tangling up our threads.

You didn't decry SE as a spamming bot, and the spirit of your original post was to convince others that he is a rule-breaker, which shows that you are aware that it is not a given.

I do want trolls, shills, and liars here. I want to practice my ability to detect them (perhaps you would benefit from such practice as well, since your initial post seemed to suggest that you were on the fence about whether or not SE is a troll). So you have your opinion and I have mine. If you are so undeniably correct, where are the mods? MODS! I am a liar and a troll. I lie and troll on Saidit. I do other things too, but I hereby admit freely that I lie and troll. If this is a violation of the rules, please ban me. I will not circumvent the ban with a new account, I will simply respect your decision.

Let's wait on that and see what happens.

I don't think of you. I don't even remember interacting with your alias name before this post.

If I wrote texts this long to a girl, she would rightly suspect that I have a crush. It is quite flattering. Is it my sisquipedalian elocution?

Sealioning like you, plus lying and downward dragging to undermine SaidIt, as I've already stated.

The rules don't mention sealioning or trolling. The pyramid of debate says nothing of this. In fact, the pyramid suggests that if the trolling encourages respectful debate, then regardless of whether or not it is trolling, it is good Saidit content. SE usually exercises a high level of debate despite his trolling. I am glad that he does so, because he presents leftist remonstrance better than real leftists do. Debating SE is like jogging with a weighted vest. Good practice for debating the real lefties, who are too often mismatched if they try to debate at all. You and I here have remained nearly exclusively in the top three eschalons of the pyramid. I don't see anything in our exchange that is anything other than exemplary Saidit content. This post has more engagement than I have seen on Saidit in weeks.

I already see your rich vocabulary worth great respect (best I recall on SaidIt) but a cornucopia of vernacular flourishes without substantial ideas ultimately exhibits as an empty fragile vase ever yearning for ephemeral flowers.

See? We respect each other. The trolling SE and I do is sophisticated. We only troll people like us, people we respect. It's a delicacy, much more involved than trolling common idiots. It's easy to find them on reddit but they bore us. It truly does take a mentally ill hypocrite to do this sort of trolling, just as you said. We are very strange people, but we still contribute meaningfully to Saidit. You should be flattered that SE has (I presume) trolled you more often or more effortfully than most. It is a sign of respect. The three of us should get together for brews.

We write so similarly, if we suddenly censored our usernames and started arguing each others' side, people would have a hard time even telling who was who. Of course you respect me, because you respect yourself, and you recognize our similarities.

Magnificent Emerson quote. Bravo. I cede the point on the mob's evaluation