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[–]iDontShift 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

windows -> black box -> actually collects data on you without permission.. updates without permission..

mac os -> black box -> probably does all the same

linux -> open box -> probably compromised thanx to the influx of woke -> can't promise it isn't comprised, it is partially led by corporate paid provocateurs

freebsd -> most allowing of shitty code, but also works the best because it allows shitty code that usually works pretty well on all hardware

openbsd -> relies audit based testing to ensure code is secure and works.. works on most hardware

netbsd -> relies on proper coding .. doesn't work on very much hardware .. but this is the one I use for work

mint linux is still my favorite linux..

mac os .. was used for 15 years by me, and dropped when I saw how apple also steal tech and created barriers for their own reasons outside of for us..

they destroyed itunes.. they destroyed everything I loved.. so i left

the reality is you basically use the web.. if you need more.. like a game.. you probably need windows

but i do play games on mint Linux, that is why i have it.

you are only scratching the surface of what is true

and the reality is are hardware is probably compromised meaning whatever you run on it is irrelevant to security from the gov