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[–]iDontShift 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

A gay person attacks a straight man? Who gives a shit.

yup. they are swinging the pendulum to the other side.. to continue the shit show.

right with wanting a society to be... well, normal?

because it makes sense.

not encourage sexual deviants or constant homosexuality, to not implore children to take hormone therapy or teach LGBT classes at school.

because they have higher suicide rate. they are mental basket cases. the degree of calm folks has proves their point, or disproves it.

They ALL fall into this groupthink.

if you don't create your own personal religion, that which you believe because you feel it to be true.

seems humans can be mentally convinced of anything, so if you don't use God as a metric.. you are fucked in a world of nothing is good or evil.

I have seen what is good is beautiful, what is bad is ugly.. and the degree of beauty or pain/suffering inflicted by me determines my actions.

i feel it, i know it. i don't care if folks be gay, but I do care that folks that appear to be mentally upset run around and spread their variant of discomfort as good... attacking those most susceptible to manipulation (the young).. and appear to be abusing them (strip shows by children for adults.. )

but in the end, we are all divine beings of light, older than time itself.. so there are no victims ultimately, but i think it can be said that if one thing leads to a shorter life span..

i would not encourage it.