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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Bilingualism and Pride in AMXF children OC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 5 hours ago by Baphomette__

[–]128lbs -21 points 4 hours ago

As a non-Asian mother to an Asian-passing boy, I worked my ass off to make sure he retained the language and access to his culture, even sacrificing my comfort level to have him around the slew of WMAF hafu kids and their moms (lmfao).

Are you expecting a pat on the back or something? The self-congratulatory tone in your post rubs me the wrong way - as if you are better just because you are an AMXF. But remember, AMAF will always be better than XMAF and AMXF.

It’s also something you can never see in a boy coming from a WMAF household

At the end of the day, your family is the exception and not the norm for AMXF households as well. Mixed race Asians - products of both XMAF and AMXF - are rarely raised with an Asian upbringing. The families almost always speak in English, and the Asian parent is usually whitewashed/very Westernized. Edit: I find it very interesting that you didn't specify you are a black woman lol.

[–]Baphomette__[S] 18 points 3 hours ago Do I need to specify myself as black? I think everyone knows I am, I post here enough. And I definitely don’t think I need a pat on the back. I specifically said I don’t think I am better but I put in a huge amount of effort to make sure my son is adjusters and healthy. And frankly, I’m talking to the specific group of men who are in similar situations as myself and my husband. I totally get that that’s not you but there’s no need to be so passive aggressive about it.

[–]godchild77 11 points 3 hours ago She is an Asian woman, she is just mad because you got with one of our bros. As you must have noticed IRL too as an AMXFer, they are very hypocritical in this area. Ignore her. She has been crying about AMXF in the subreddit for a while now.

[–]128lbs -4 points 2 hours ago

She is an Asian woman, she is just mad because you got with one of our bros.

I honestly don't give a damn if a black woman "got with one of our bros". Also, I would NEVER be with a Japanese man as a Chinese woman. I just despise her superior tone in this post as if AMXF is the best pairing - even better than AMAF - when that's not true.

She has been crying about AMXF in the subreddit for a while now.

I am a pro-AMAF Asian woman as I have previously said MANY times. I treat XMAF and AMXF equally as both have the same result: the end of full Asians in the West. No, hapas are not equivalent to full Asians. Live your life, but don't complain about "no more full Asians" decades from now 🤡🤡🤡 Also, pointing out white worshipping behavior in Asian men and the like is not "crying about AMXF".

[–]Baphomette__[S] 4 points 1 hour ago I didn’t mention AMAF one time. You’re caught up on something that wasn’t even said, and obviously have a real issue with Asian men interested in non Asian women. AMAF is nowhere near threatened globally. Do you really care about pure bloodlines or are you just upset about a minority of AM who are living differently? And even if there were thousands of white worshipping Asian men, how does that affect me or you? Focus on your own relationships.

Absolutely nothing of fucking value contributed by 128lbLUKKKUNT and yet the Bitch is still allowed on r/ am. Fucking worthless as fuck simp cancer fggits are the reason why Asian subreddits turn to shit.