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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Specific Action We Can Take To Create Positive Change For East and South East Asians In The US?OC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 2 days ago by FocusedEnergy18

[–]anyang869 0 points 11 hours ago There is no future for EA/SEA men as a group in the West. You mentioned Jewish people and Indians. Jewish people have a wide range of religious orthodoxy and the orthodox ones only marry other Jews and have lots and lots of Jewish babies with them. Indians also tend to marry other Indians and have more kids on average than EA/SEA couples. The kids them become the next generation of Jews/Indians and can benefit from passed down generational wealth and the achivements of their ancestors. Therefore, they have a community to fight for. They are not out there trying to organize a brotherhood of men. They are out there trying to advance their communities, which are made up of families of men, women, and children, as well as their traditional cultures and beliefs. By the way, white people do the same thing. They have white families & then pass down generational wealth to their white kids. If we want to do the same thing for EA/SEA men, then we would have to start by getting back our women.

Once again it is the simp fggit eunuchs that set back every "AsiAN" subreddit. Thristing after "mUH fAULTlESs HOlY LADeEEEee" before all else.