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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Weekly Free-for-All Discussion Thread | March 10, 2024 OC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 2 days ago by AutoModerator - announcement

[–]ElimDegens 14 points 1 day ago look I hate pua/desperate shit as much as the next guy here, but I wonder what's the point of those drive-by snarky commenters who declare they're unsubscribing because of too much dating posts. would a sub that discusses esoteric philosophy and "alternative masculinity" 24/7 be better? I haven't seen anyone volunteer to discuss that or have certain readings or anything. it's best to try and effect change yourself rather than complaining

[–]Holiday_Wonder_6964 2 points 1 day ago The level of obsession with wf is odd tbh. It's almost as if you can't date a wf then you're not qualified to be giving advises. I just want to date af and it's almost frowned upon here. Still there are some good deep thoughts here that I end up coming back from time to time.

[–]magicalbird 3 points 13 hours ago It isn’t frowned upon. It’s about talking to max out your opportunities. If you truly want to keep dating only af then make sure she treats Asian men well. If only kept my dating aspects to af I’d have 0 options. I’ve dated and hooked up with many wf and lf.

[–]Holiday_Wonder_6964 -1 points 12 hours ago I mean... I just like af the best. Always have. Why wouldn't an af treat her men well? I mean what's this victim mindset? Can't make this shit up; doesn't take long before I get an advise from someone because he's "dated and hooked up with wf and lf". You don't know it but you're putting them on pedestals if you feel you have to say this out loud.

[–]magicalbird 2 points 12 hours ago It’s not a victim mindset. A lot more Asian women date and marry interracially than other races of women based on the data. Some of these Asian women start throwing Asian men under the bus. Don’t gaslight my own experiences. More power to you if you can find Asian women to date that like you which tends to be a pretty narrow number of you live in the west due to sheer demographics

[–]fakeslimshady 6 points 1 day ago There is at least an equal amount of guys like you what want to make it a big deal. I mean "obsession" really. I dont think anyone should be pushing preference on other men, its utterly ridiclous. I include the guys shaming AF preference too, its stupid tug of war. Probably troll driven

[–]ElimDegens 3 points 1 day ago

I include the guys shaming AF preference too

they're just trying to shame the lame clueless AMAF couples as a whole. many such cases I think they have some valid sentiments but don't know have the words to express them since they're big ideas. The basic ideas in my opinion are that some amaf couples are loser's prizes couples for both the man and woman, but especially for the men. that leads to what I said whole lotta lame couples where the am looks especially bad if his af gf shows semblances of white worship. yes, af in amaf can be very white worshiping, this is bigger than just romantic coupling.

[–]fakeslimshady 5 points 1 day ago You lost me there. Talk toreal AMAF and call them lame or losers and be ready to punched in the face or STFU with these hypothetical staw men

[–]Holiday_Wonder_6964 3 points 1 day ago See what I mean? Didn't have to wait long for someone to sham AMAF and putting wfs on pedestals.

[–]fakeslimshady 4 points 1 day ago I agree he did the amaf shaming part, where did he put wfs on pedestal.

[–]Holiday_Wonder_6964 1 point 1 day ago Lol u r right. Should have said xf. It's implied in his message.

[–]ElimDegens -1 points 1 day ago

amaf shaming

who's shaming? the asian bros in those old videos where stupid white pua/sexpest guys would hit on their girl in front of them and did nothing should be ashamed. in particular, there are many such cases where when some white guy gets enraged by an amaf, he's going to try to punk them in some way like the in-n-out video. we all can do better. even asian women talk about this in how some people can't be assertive also the subway guy who couldn't do anything to help out those af should be shamed too.

[–]fakeslimshady 2 points 1 day ago wtf does amaf have to do with it. harassment happens a lot more with amxf.

[–]ElimDegens 1 point 1 day ago does it? and who deals with it better? I remember the asian guy and his Latina gf giving some whyt dude and his asian gf the business in a road rage incident. lmk if you see some amaf power couple doing the same and beating up white losers, cuz that'd be some good shit look up something about the sexpest david bond, he amassed some following by hitting on a bunch of amaf couples. i've heard lots of similar stories where the am can't successfully deal with some non-asian hitting on his asian gf, or other types of harassment.

Yet another worthless collector of pmaf porn simp fggit. "BuTs i LikES MuH GoDlY lAdEEeEee dA mOSTtT"! Lu-chasing will be a permanent fixture on r/ am as long as Hong KUCK rang-chasers mod the sub.