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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

2 of the top 10 companies in the US are run by East Asians by archelogy in aznidentity

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 5 hours ago They could start foundations that help Asians on the down low. Plenty of Jewish CEOs used to back in the day

[–]InstructionNarrow160 [score hidden] 4 hours ago Good idea

How do you deal with people liking Anime cosplay but not inviting Asians into their friend circle? by Zealousideal_Plum533 in asianamerican

[–]Alaskan91 5 points 14 hours ago Just bc they like anime doesn't mean they like asians. It's means they like to use and consume parts of asian cukture that benefit them for entertainment purposes. Just like how some hood people both eat chinese fast food and also like the threaten or even shoot the takeout places and rob them for cash. Why can't asians understand that liking parts of the cuktuee has nothing to do with liking the people? This is almost as bad as old school asians saying, but he can't be racist, he like chow mein!

2 of the top 10 companies in the US are run by East Asians by archelogy in aznidentity

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 15 hours ago But are they doing anything for asians in America? Blacck ceos are always respected only if they have succeeded and ALSO given back to their community. I find asians, esp east asians, don't have that community mindset outside of their own atomized families. It's like as if that is too many layers of conplication to handle or something .

[–]ElimDegens [score hidden] 9 hours ago why so negative?

[–]0iq_cmu_students [score hidden] 5 hours ago Its not necessarily being negative, its telling it like it is. I agree with both points, that more asians CEOs is good and that those asian ceos aren't doing much with regards to promoting asians in america. Indian CEOs too. They are more willing to help their buddies get into positions of power, but could not care less about the general indian american population. Ask them about certain issues that negatively affect asians like DEI policies and asian hate crimes. They will give you the usual corporate roundabout bunch of nothing speak while simultaneously advocating for blm.

[Thoughts] I feel like our feelings are constantly being invalidated. by countryboyiloveyouu in aznidentity

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 15 hours ago Disagree China's rebellions pale in comparison to non asian rebellions. After each rebellion, who won and who died and didn't reproduce? China is known for suppressing rebellions to the point where the non rebellious had more reproductive success.

What's a toxic tendency you have that subconsciously is self degrading? by DownvoteIfYouWantMe in aznidentity

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 21 hours ago For All Asians: obsession with risk avoidance

[Thoughts] I feel like our feelings are constantly being invalidated. by countryboyiloveyouu in aznidentity

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 21 hours ago Blacck people have taken great risks and put into vast amounts of energy to shut down any and nearly all forms of invalidation. Sometimes they even talk rightful physical action. Do Asians do that? NOPE. Also, non Asian POC have a culture of rebellion and of listening to themsleves whereby Asians have a culture of adhering to and being obedient to the mainstream, this many Asians allow themselves to be brainwashed bc they were taught form a young age to be obedient and not think for ourselves. Meanwhile us asians are pathetic enough to still sit there are ponder ...wait...was that REALLY racist? And ONLY AFTER PROOF do we then the moment is over. It's better to over react in the moment and get a few wrong shots than under react. Asian brains value precision, non asians value swiftness and power. By the time asians react if at all its too late. And hence the post above. LOL. Just saying.

Fucking worthless as fuck f&gg0t simps spewing "GuD iDEaa" and "alASkKKKuNt iSn'T NeGaTivE, StfU". It is ALWAYS cockroach f&g simps that fuck up these so-called "ASiAN Subs". "FuCk Pros-AsiAN, GotTa SAVE Em ALLSSsss".