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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Asian Men- what do you think of Asian women who dye their hair blond? (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago by tidyingup92

From what I've seen and heard, this can be a pretty divisive topic lol. Some say it looks bad/isn't their cup of tea, and some say they are simply self-hating. This can be anything from going full blond, to obmre, to blond highlights. What do you think?

[–]ElimDegens 3 points 1 day ago seems that attitudes are rather lax for this point of discussion. i wonder how the black community feels if individuals decided to unnaturally straighten their hair. you can say something is purely cosmetic and aesthetic but given that it will have a racial slant, it's unreasonable to purely condone hair dying. so hair is fine, but then we draw the line at skin lightening?

[–]historybuff234 [score hidden] 8 hours ago I think many people are being defensive here because they are dying or had dyed their hair. Of course, skin lightening, hair dying, and eyelid work are all bad when done to align one’s appearance with that of a stereotypical white person. Mind, I have no complaint about an Asian person dying his or her hair purple, since such hair dying does not make that person look white.

[–]128lbs [score hidden] 7 hours ago Of course, skin lightening, hair dying, and eyelid work are all bad when done to align one’s appearance with that of a stereotypical white person. I don't understand this. Pale skin has nothing to do with wanting to be white; pale skin is about class since wealthy folks didn't have to labor in the fields and get tan as a result. Dyed hair is part of the ABG look; it's just fashion, not about being white. And ABGs tend to date Asian men. Lastly, having double eyelids isn't exclusive to whites; Chinese people naturally have double eyelids, too. It really peeves me when everything "good" is attributed to whites when Asians have their own beauty standards based on Asians. Also, white people age terribly, and I would like to think that's something Asians do not aspire to be.

[–]historybuff234 [score hidden] 3 hours ago You defend hair dyeing, sure, but why not be specific about dyeing hair blond? Why is blond hair “just fashion”? As I have emphasized, I have no quarrel with anyone who does their hair purple. Why is it important and necessary and good that AF or AM dye their hair blond rather than any other color? And, sure, Chinese people can have natural double eyelids. But why should those Chinese people or other Asians who are born without double eyelids go get double eyelids? You see absolutely no problem, none whatsoever, that Asians turn their single eyelids double in overwhelmingly greater numbers than those who turn their double eyelids single? What message does that send to those Asians who are born with single eyelids? That they are uglier and less deserving and need surgery?

This fucked in the brain KKKUNT is still allowed to prowl all around aiNCELs and r/ am thanks to those worthless little f&gg0t simps in the mod boards. Useless fggit simps are always the downfall of these so-called "aSiAN" subreddits.