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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

WMAF isn’t the issue you think it is (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago by vuarp

[–]owlficus [score hidden] 58 minutes ago It’s not even driven by AFs. AFs are complicit yes, and AFs reciprocate yes- but the proliferation of WMAF is mainly due to the asian fetish and the white men who are seeking AFs. This is going be to the driving force until society gets to the point where it’s the women asking men out, rather than the other way around. To put this differently, if white men had as big of a Black fetish instead of an Asian fetish, this sub would be Blakidentity instead. To put it differently still, any WM with a Black fetish who wants a BF won’t have a harder time finding one to date him vs a WM with an Asian fetish looking for an AF I am aware of those cringe arguments centering around “but but women are the gatekeepers!” Yes, they are. But they choose from who are at their gates. The AF who refuses to date AM and who will only choose WM exists, but are a very very small minority

[–]YoDaProblem [score hidden] an hour ago Seems like most of us older users have left and are busying "touching grass" but as of late. This sub have been filled with pointless post like this one. OP where have you been? Under a cave, under bridge or stuck in your room with boredom playing video games and never being involved in this sub and out of nowhere you come on here ranting? 🤔 🥱🥱.. Anyhow, your point #1 is fucken stupid. And I get it... it's a very popular point that's constantly brought out when no one says or even implies it for brown points from AW who have excuses for their poor behavior. Your "incely angle" is another projection of yourself and your own insecurities at the least to say. With that said. Your not the first to bring up the idea of putting asides the issues of each gender and having a unify or agree to disagree mindset. However your barging in and acting tough is embrassing. Why? Probably learn to have a nuance take before making a post like this. It's not gonna go anywhere... just my 2c.

[–]ice_cream_socks [score hidden] 3 hours ago wmaf is the most visible symptom of white supremacy in the asian community

[–]CrayScias [score hidden] 7 hours ago Notice how you deflect blame saying it's the system. No, it's both, they feed off each other. And look how these topics never put blame on the white man etc.

[–]Square_Level4633 [score hidden] 6 hours ago Next, you are also going to tell us not to blame the perpetrators in black-on-Asian crime because it's macro? So we should not hate Amy Tan? Nobody here thinks WMAF is about sex or dating. Because many AF in WMAF are also unattractive or overweight that's why AM don't date them in the first place. Hence they only can settle for WM and hate AM because of it.

[–]CrayScias [score hidden] 7 hours ago Welp, considering a troll here is expecting WMAF and BMWF to be the future of relationships, seems like you owe other men at least some sex and relationships.

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 10 hours ago To blame it on politics is to be waaay to, 2D. What about the asian fathers that refused to promote their own?! What about asian fathers chilling in terms of linking up with other asain fathers to create a subgroup that has their daughters back? What about asian men being raised to be more passive? What about asian daughter being raised to be conformist? the very reason why asians are obssesed eith the buy in to the whyte power structure is bc we are trained to conform plus we lack an ingroup that can serve us I've written alot about this. See my comments and posts It disappoints me that people just blame whyte supremacy and politics when the asian cukture is known for beig conformist obsessed, anti rebellion, and then they are shocked that their kids wants to conform to what is open to them.

Open shilling for NON-ASIAN (((POOliticans))), anti-Asian (((political parties))), and now pmaf. 24/7/365 mass-censorship by worthless fggit tosRETARDKUCK. Incessant anti-Asian diarrhea from the retard bitch Lu mod. Unending amounts of Lu-chasing f&gs like the OP. R/ aiNCELs is a colossal fucking joke and always will be.