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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

WMAF isn’t the issue you think it is by vuarp in aznidentity

[–]owlficus [score hidden] an hour ago It’s not even driven by AFs. AFs are complicit yes, and AFs reciprocate yes- but the proliferation of WMAF is mainly due to the asian fetish and the white men who are seeking AFs. This is going be to the driving force until society gets to the point where it’s the women asking men out, rather than the other way around. To put this differently, if white men had as big of a Black fetish instead of an Asian fetish, this sub would be Blakidentity instead. To put it differently still, any WM with a Black fetish who wants a BF won’t have a harder time finding one to date him vs a WM with an Asian fetish looking for an AF I am aware of those cringe arguments centering around “but but women are the gatekeepers!” Yes, they are. But they choose from who are at their gates. The AF who refuses to date AM and who will only choose WM exists, but are a very very small minority

This f&g was the one who spewed "STiLL gotS a OnE PeRcEnT ChANcE Of sAVinG MuH LUs". Every fucking thing in his worthless post history is cringe.