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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Asian Women (and Men) in American Politics (self.aznidentity)

submitted 16 hours ago by archelogy

There are only two candidates in the GOP race and one is Indian- an Indian woman who is 100% Indian ethnically. On the Democratic side, the race is a lock for Biden; who's Vice-President, the first woman VP ever is Indian (50% Indian, though raised entirely by her Indian mother). There's always a crab bucket instinct to knock them down because well, you're not a top candidate for the Presidency/VP - that's what resentful members of a group do. Or there are community members who don't understand we're Pan-Asian. In objective terms, the last few years, the community has taken major steps forward in terms of Asians being seen as leaders for the highest positions in the land. Andrew Yang, Vivek Ramaswamy, Kamala Harris, Nikki Haley- all have played major roles in changing how Asians are perceived. Because unlike so many, they had the backbone to think it was possible and unapologetically seek people's vote as the nation's leader. There's no doubt in my mind this will pay major dividends for how Asians are perceived in America. And hopefully it will be a stepping stone to an Asian President in the near future.

[–]FormalCricket [score hidden] an hour ago not all representation is good representation haley is a sycophantic clown, and kamala is this strangely unlikeable authoritarian cosplaying as a progressive to maintain a grip on power that said, the circus aside, they are increasing asian visibility in politics, which is good i just wish we had an asian version of obama - the guy was made in a lab to be president

[–]sweetbaboo777 [score hidden] 2 hours ago Haley? Horrible example. She's tried to hide her ethnicity her whole life. Most people didn't even know she was Indian until Vivek called her out.

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 9 hours ago "We use crude tools to fashion better tools, and then our better tools to fashion more precise tools, and so on. Each minor refinement is a step in the process, and all of the steps must be taken."

[–]koreanroofer [score hidden] 14 hours ago asian men and women need to start running for local city elections as well, such as mayoral races. we have michelle wu (boston), sheng thao (oakland), and bruce harrell (seattle). that's a good start.

Fuck do cuckasoids and (((us poolitics))) have to do with Asians? This fucking shitstain is openly partisan and yet keeps yapping "We ARe Non-PArTiSaN, aSiAN InTEreSTs ovEr polItiCAL PaRtiess". DON'T FUCKING TAKE THE aiNCEL MODS OR THEIR F&GG0T ASS RULES SERIOUSLY.