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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Stop excusing white women racism (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago by Kitchen_Rutabaga_546

White supremacy includes white males as well as white females and if you know the history of feminism you would know how racist it was and still is. White women have a history of falsely accusing men of color and boys too (emmet till is one example). European Beauty standards are also shoved into non white communities and this is because of both white males and white females. I wanted to make this post because I see people not hold white females accountable and pushing the blame solely onto white males when in reality it’s both that need to be held accountable for their racism.

[–]cutiekilla [score hidden] 8 hours ago a white woman wanting to date or fuck you because she's a weeb is fetishization and racist. if you sleep with her you're a sellout.

[–]Aureolater [score hidden] 10 hours ago White women can be as responsible for white supremacy as white men, but they are not the same. Always keep in mind what happened during the Japanese internment. The US authorities gave a lot of privileges to Japanese women who married white men under the pretense that the Japanese women were more "culturally white." White women who married Japanese men did not get the same privileges and had to either go into the camps with their spouses, or be exiled with their spouses from the area. AMWF is not the same as WMAF. A woman in the former is an ally, a woman in the latter is not.

[–]cutiekilla [score hidden] 8 hours ago so an asian man dating a white person is a win, but an asian woman dating a white person is a sellout?

[–]Austronesian_SeaGod [score hidden] 2 hours ago reddit r aznidentity comments ads_need_to_look_like_this_more_ambw_more_amlf Read this.

Only way aiNCELs gets "ACtiVITy", approve the most autistic shit imaginable.