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[–]Comatoast 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

You can always use clothes that you already have as a template too, it just might be a little tougher to get a good fit around your shoulders and chest. Thrift store shit is great for that too, since it's a lot less expensive and may not be a massive loss if you borked it. Don't forget about the instant seam tape as an option to at least temporarily hold a good seam. Beadwork, fake herbs, yarn, resin, felt, craft foam, the world is your oyster.

To be honest, there are some pretty great techniques that I've watched the guy on Black Magic(k?) Craft do with the little architectural creations he makes for his D&D nights. Some of it could be translated over into pretty interesting clothing, I'd wager.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I love thrift/vintage/antique stores, however I have 4 big issues with them, in no particular order:

1) Occasionally, the smell.

2) Taxes. These things were already taxed. Why pay taxes again? SCAM!!! If anything they should be given Green tax rebates/credits or something.

3) There are some SERIOUS and under-reported second-hand monopolies in North American raking in MILLION$! It's a giant scam. All these big second hand stores have shitty lighting, are falling apart, etc etc etc but are raking it in. They get all the shit for free as donations - yet only give pennies on the dollar to whatever charity collected them (ie. Goodwill, Salvation Army, DiabetesForKids, etc) - BUT they never disclose the breakdown or info, certainly not on their websites. It's a fucking racket. Here in Windsor, Ontario (and in Vancouver, BC) one is called Value Village, but if I recall correctly, they and several other similar chains in the USA are owned by a single family.

4) If you want more of the same item you will never find it (ie. to find in your size, better quality, like it a lot, etc). It may have once been mass produced, but they're all essentially one of a kind for all intents and purposes.

Never heard of instant seam. Sounds like the thing I've been dreaming of. I'm picturing a double sided tape that you iron until it melts and permanently seals it until you forget that you can't iron it or leave it on your dashboard in the sun. Of course I'd have to buy an iron.

"Beadwork, fake herbs, yarn, resin, felt, craft foam, the world is your oyster."

Well, as a dude and not a fan of seafood, I'll pass. Though I do like a simple feather now and then. Or for Burning Man, a few pheasant pheathers in my cap.

[–]Comatoast 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Erf, yeah. I get it, I've got the nose of a bloodhound. It seems when I go into places where things are old there's like a miasma of dust, mildew, or in Goodwill there's an overwhelming smell of cheap laundry detergent that's strong enough to pierce whatever it is in the olfactory unit that instigates a sneeze.

I'll agree that it's a pain in the ass to pay taxes on purchases where taxes were already paid, but I go when there are 1/2 off tag sales.

Unfortunately most places of business are going to do whatever they can to exploit the system and make as much profit as possible. Donations by people who just want that shit out of their spaces makes it all the easier.

It's double sided tape, you're right. Peel n' Stick fabric fuse tape. Doesn't require ironing though. It might get fucked up in the sun though, no promises.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

"Unfortunately most places of business are going to do whatever they can to exploit the system and make as much profit as possible. Donations by people who just want that shit out of their spaces makes it all the easier."

It's not just a place of business. It's a completely rigged and monopolized network that includes the charities' complicity. Further, they throw out most of it. It's actually obscene. And part of it is because our consumerist culture is focused and dependent upon the perpetual turn over of "disposable" goods. If we built things to last of quality then not only would consumption go down but so would poverty (and profits), and the environment would do better. But that's not what the corporatocracy wants.