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Battery storage plus hydrogen can enable a reliable, cheap clean energy transition. A combination of battery & H2 fuel cells can help the US, as well as most countries, transition to a 100% clean electricity grid in a low cost & reliable fashion, according to a new report from Stanford University
7 months ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Hydrogen from
California is curtailing more solar power than ever before. Curtailment, or deliberately reducing output, rises as solar generation exceeds available transmission capacity.
10 months ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Solar from
10 months ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Hydrogen from
Producing solar energy, strawberries, tomatoes and peppers in one place. A dual-use solar and agricultural site in New York will add 2 MW of solar capacity while retaining active market crop production.
11 months ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Solar from
How long do residential solar panels last? Multiple factors affect the productive lifespan of a residential solar panel. In the first part of this series, we look at the solar panels themselves.
1 year ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Solar from
Green hydrogen market to grow six-fold to $1.4 trillion, said Deloitte. The firm also launched the Deloitte Global Hydrogen Center of Excellence, which helps hydrogen developers scale up their businesses through advisory, implementation, and operational guidance services
1 year ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Hydrogen from
Solar-hydrogen racing yacht to circumnavigate the globe. A partnership between Maxeon Solar Technologies and OceansLab will result in the production of the world’s first hydrogen electric race yacht.
Solar-to-hydrogen project to be first stop on a California-to-Texas “hydrogen highway”. A 75 MW solar-to-hydrogen facility proposed for Bakersfield, California may mark the beginning of Fusion Fuel and Electus Energy’s green hydrogen vision for the United States.
Is hydrogen about to have its solar moment? As Longi and other solar manufacturers kick off massive growth in hydrogen generation capacity, expect large price decreases resulting from steep learning curves, echoing the rapid advances experienced by the solar power industry since the 1970s
How long do rooftop residential solar panels last?
Sesame Solar mobile nanogrids powered by solar and green hydrogen. Climate resilience solutions come pre-fabricated to generate clean, off-grid power for essential services and emergency response needs.
2 years ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Hydrogen from
Solar costs have fallen 82% since 2010. The levelized cost of energy generated by large scale solar plants is around $0.068/kWh, compared to $0.378 ten years ago and the price fell 13.1% between 2018 and last year alone
4 years ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Solar from
Electrolyzer overview: Lowering the cost of hydrogen and distributing its production | PV Magazine. Electrolyzer manufacturers are in agreement on the goal of rapidly reducing investment costs, mainly through economies of scale.
4 years ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Hydrogen from
46% of U.S. homeowners want rooftop solar. More Americans than ever are viewing solar energy not as some sort of novel or futuristic technology, but as a real-wold solution to their energy needs. This is nationwide support for energy independence.
4 years ago by Orangutan to /s/Futurology from
California CCA East Bay Community Energy has signed two power contracts at an average price of 2.2¢/kWh for a total of 225 MWac of solar power
The slow, inexorable rise of green hydrogen
In lab secrets, Tesla is talking about 20-year lithium ion batteries: Researchers found that lithium ion NMC532 graphite battery cells have the potential to stay structurally sound long enough for cars to reach 1 million miles, and grid connected energy storage to last more than 20 years.
5 years ago by Orangutan to /s/technology from