I am living absolute irrefutable proof that life is NOT "what you make of it" by Vulptex in whatever

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You are conflating your perspective on Life with Life itself. These two things are not the same.

There are three things:

  1. Life
  2. What we think Life is
  3. What we think Life should be

We only ever have access to 2 and 3.

I am genuinely saddened for your suffering. I do not suggest the pain is not real. You feel it; it is. But to confuse your pain with Life itself is narcissism.

Last bit, we are ALL narcissists. I've never met anyone who isn't. We all think that our perspective either IS or SHOULD BE Life itself. I'm not immune. But I do know that that part of me continually telling me this is false, no matter how many times a day (minute, hour) it tells me so. At least that's something.

Why should we be afraid of death? by [deleted] in whatever

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Short answer: we shouldn't

My favorite comment on life and death by a zen master some time ago (can't find the quote, but this is close):

Empty-handed I entered this world
Barefoot I leave it
My birth
My death
Two simple happenings
Entwined by fate

"The concept of a "self" is bs." (Neurologists and Eastern philosophists) by [deleted] in quotes

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Another approach to this realization is to think about "my life" vs. "life".

None of us "has" a life. Full stop. Nobody possesses anything that can be called "a life". Instead, we spend some period of time in touch with this same stuff that all of our neighbors plus we comprise. We are witnesses and contributors to Life itself, and none of us exists except as a portion of that whole. We all nudge it this way and that, but while we come and go, the process continues. The process is the cool part.

We are energy beings of light, electric, and magnetic energy. And we live inside of a bubble of pure potential that we don't even know is there. (proven by science links) by yellowsnow2 in conspiracy

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What very few people indeed understand is that reality is entirely separate from our infinite conceptions of reality. We possess and have described countless ideas about what reality is, but all that is mind activity, nothing more and nothing less. Reality is what is in front of us in this instant. As such, it is constantly changing and impossible to define, yet far simpler than the many constructs our mind is designed to create - and obsessed with creating. We do not understand reality, because in order to understand something, one needs to be outside the system so as to define that system and recognize its limits and description. Life instead for each individual is a lifelong Schrodinger's Cat experiment, flavored with Schrodinger's paradox.

When we flow with this fascinating process we call life and cease to expect to understand it, only then can we catch glimpses of the incredible beauty of this show we are all co-experiencing while also co-creating. Existence is the miracle. Learning to appreciate that changes a life forever.