This "huge lesbian" got matched to a horrified real lesbian by jet199 in itsafetish

[–]Joopityjoop 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

His goal in life is to fucking get tits. Let that sink in. When asked about his goal, he wrote - get tits. What are normal people's goals? Do something more meaningful? Get a better job? Find love? Make more money? But no, his GOAL is to get tits.What are these people doing with their one life? He seems like a porn obsessed (likes kink) loner (no one clicks pictures of him) who just needs outward validation of his identity. Also, who the fuck is into naps? I mean, everyone likes them, but how void of anything else must your personality and hobbies be to include that in 'stuff you're into'. What else is he into? Breathing? Brushing his teeth?

Even when he describes what he looks for in somebody, his motives are self centred. He needs somebody to HELP HIM BECOME THE BIGGEST LESBIAN I CAN. He needs somebody other than him to swoon over himself with an equally sick intensity. Also, how does one become the 'biggest' lesbian ever? I didn't know there was a gradation. I just thought there were different, sort of parallel kinds of lesbians, all equally lesbian-ish (?).

He exists to satisfy his peepee. Like, his entire existence, his very Being appears to cater to only that. He's into the most non-effort shit (hell, he's into NAPS. NAPS!). It is so mind boggling how people end up like that.