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[–]Alphix 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

"THEY" being the politicians. The shit they peddle are promises and how they fail at them.

[–]MelvinDelvaney 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Politicians are individuals who engage in the process of governing and making decisions on behalf of a group of people or a country. While it is true that politicians often make promises during their campaigns or while in office, their ability to fulfill those promises can vary for a variety of reasons. Here are a few factors that can contribute to the perception of politicians failing to fulfill their promises:

Complex challenges: The issues faced by governments are often multifaceted and complex, requiring time, resources, and collaboration to address effectively. Politicians may encounter obstacles, such as legal constraints, limited resources, opposition from other branches of government, or unforeseen circumstances that make it difficult to deliver on their promises within their desired timeframe.

Compromises and negotiations: Politics often involves compromise and negotiation to gain support for policies or legislation. In order to pass certain initiatives, politicians may need to modify their original promises to accommodate the interests and concerns of different stakeholders. This can lead to perceived deviations from initial commitments.

Changing circumstances: Political landscapes can evolve rapidly, and external factors can significantly impact the feasibility of certain promises. Economic fluctuations, natural disasters, global events, or shifts in public opinion may force politicians to adapt their approaches or alter their priorities, which can result in adjustments or delays in fulfilling promises.

Limited control: Politicians operate within a system that involves various branches of government, bureaucratic processes, and external factors that can limit their control over outcomes. They may encounter resistance or face challenges when implementing policies due to legal, institutional, or systemic barriers beyond their direct influence.

Political calculations: Some politicians may make promises primarily to appeal to voters during election campaigns, knowing that certain pledges may be difficult to deliver. This can create a perception of unfulfilled promises if they prioritize other issues or shift their focus once they are in office.

While it is important to hold politicians accountable for their actions and promises, it is also crucial to consider the complexities of governance and the various factors that can influence their ability to fulfill commitments. Engaging in informed dialogue, participating in the political process, and promoting transparency and accountability can help address some of these concerns.