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[–]JewsAreOfColor[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Israel recognizes the Armenian genocide as an anti-Turkish xenophobic racist imperialist white supremacist lie used to justified terrorism against Turkey.

Israel recognizes the Armenian genocide as a hoax used by the Nazis to justify the very real systematic extermination of Jews, homosexual, people of color, the differently abled, and political dissidents.

The national socialist Holocaust was real. The are-mean-ian holohoax was not and was made up to justify Nazi war crimes.

Armenians are MEAN. They’re assholes. They are bigots and bullies who never shut up about anything despite being wrong about everything. Have you ever had to deal with these motherfuckers yourself in real life? Well, I have, and doing so has made me realize that the Turks knew what they were doing by wiping these terrorist scum out. Turkey is no more guilty of genocide than Israel or Russia are for taking out the trash. Furthermore, Turkey, Russia, and Israel are Asian nations, Asians are of color, and Europeans are white. That justifies all forms of Asian retaliation against European terrorism. This is a race war that people of color won the day the white man waged it. The allied victory in World War II has given all groups targeted by Hitler a permanent mandate to rule the world by force. The use of force is benevolent and socially just when it is in the hands of Gays, Jews, and people of color. Not like those war criminal honkies, Jesus freaks, camel jockeys, trannies, and breeders.

Yes, Paul Joseph Watson. Yes, Jimmy Dore. It is OK when we do it. In fact, it’s not just OK, it’s FABULOUS!!!!!!!! How do I know? For the Bible tells me so. Leviticus 24:19-21