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[–]TroonsAreGroomers[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

you mean the men's shelters, men's campus centers, men's homeless programs they'd picket until they were cancelled or shut down?

All that and more.

I also remember, back in maybe 2013 or 2014, a talk about male suicide being organized at some university campus. Because more men commit suicide than women. But apparently this was offensive to feminists, who picketed the event and attempted to block people from going inside, shouting that anyone attending was an "MRA rapist" and such. And I remember one altercation was caught on film, where a young man was explaining that he wanted to attend because his friend had killed himself and he was struggling with this and wanted to understand why. And the feminist who came to be known as Big Red said to him, in that sneering, mocking tone:

"Cry me a river"

So yeah, when I see shit like this:

Where troons have literally staged a coup in a women's restroom, on a campus that they already had to install emergency buttons in the restroom due to the sexual assaults taking place there, and they grafitti "rape TERFs" on the walls -

My first instinct is, wow, that is beyond fucked. Sounds a lot like those GC ladies have a point!

But then I remember Big Red.

And I remember the screaming and the physical violence directed at male victims of DV attempting to organize just a single meeting to talk about their experiences... and I remember how any discussion of men's issues since at least 2010 has been stamped out and drowned out in a sea of propaganda and slurs about "men's rights extremists" who beat their wives and are just "misogynists" and don't have any real issues anyway... so therefore they must be forcibly prevented from associating with one another and discussing things like male suicide, male DV victims, MGM, the justice system being biased against men, etc.

So then when I see TERFs protesting their bathrooms being colonized by 6 ft troons making their rapey intentions clear by literally writing it on the wall, I think...

Cry me a river

[–]OuroborosTheory 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

it's very interesting to me how radfems were completely unquestionable for like three decades, then they tangled with a slightly different circle of identitarian narcs and became a swearword overnight

and it's happened several times after--you could literally be fired or refused a degree because you didn't sign a paper wholeheartedly endorsing Peggy MacIntosh and Robin Di Angelo's potted views of US race--until March 2020, then overnight it was "wait, why are these ass-slappingly wealthy white ladies being put in charge of race?" I've literally seen a FB page ban someone for disagreeing with them, and the next month rejecting them