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[–]RichardsonDavis[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Oh, you mean "Wandering... something". I know the premise. It was interesting. Just gotta check a recap of it.

Although, if modern identity politics was done as well as X-Men in the 60s or something then will it be despised as much as it is today?

I seem to recall there are good Christian movies. Then again, they were Bible stories so Christian stories, they were not, I would reckon.

I am quite dense to not realized I am being lectured, if I am speaking honestly. I can identify when a character is being obnoxious or something but what the woke message is? Not so much.

I am not the most perceptive motherfucker so yeah. Prolly gonna have a hard time being with the anti-SJWs without truly believing in their cause.