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Cool. I drink as well. The fact you've changed your habit from nightly to weekends is huge. I applaud you on that.

Thanks. I'm pretty proud of that, although I had good motivation, docs said I was going to wreck my liver if I didn't stop boozing it up. I've spent a lot of time in various recover support groups, at first because I was looking for help, then later because I liked the people and wanted to try to help. Addiction is a strange thing. I know it's in me, it's obvious, but others seem to have a much harder time than I am. I guess I'm stubborn and frugal, so that helps.

Drinking a bunch of beer or liquor and then going to bed on an empty stomach isn't good.

Interestingly, a lot of alkies start because they can't sleep. I used it to put myself to bed, until at one point the effect kind of changes to Rocket Fuel instead of Downer.